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*Edit, damn embeds aren't working AGAIN.

Deus Ex is only $44.99 new right now at Gamestop
Dead Island is still $59.99
I really want Dead Island but with the save game issue I think I'm going to wait till the price drop.
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Deus Ex is only $44.99 new right now at Gamestop
Dead Island is still $59.99
I really want Dead Island but with the save game issue I think I'm going to wait till the price drop.
i havent had any save issues....but i say get it, then we can play co-op lol!
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Deus Ex is only $44.99 new right now at Gamestop
Dead Island is still $59.99
I really want Dead Island but with the save game issue I think I'm going to wait till the price drop.
bought and started Deus Ex last night. so far really cool. i like the feel of the future city, i like the inventory system (RE 4 type with the grid) and just the gameply is fun. it's a solid 7 easy so far. i just broke into someone's house and hacked a laptop.

i agree, wait for Dead Island to drop and wait for all the bugs to be fixed, which i hear they are frantically working on. after i see everything is patched up i'll get it.
Quote by Chaind Insanity:
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Deus Ex is only $44.99 new right now at Gamestop
Dead Island is still $59.99
I really want Dead Island but with the save game issue I think I'm going to wait till the price drop.
bought and started Deus Ex last night. so far really cool. i like the feel of the future city, i like the inventory system (RE 4 type with the grid) and just the gameply is fun. it's a solid 7 easy so far. i just broke into someone's house and hacked a laptop.

i agree, wait for Dead Island to drop and wait for all the bugs to be fixed, which i hear they are frantically working on. after i see everything is patched up i'll get it.
Yeah I really liked the Deus Ex inventory as well, it was pretty cool! But I guess I say Dead Island because I have played Deus Ex. It's cool, to me after a while it just got real boring and repetitive, Dead Island could/would be the same way but at least it's co-op you can do through the whole game.
I think what put me off Deus Ex is I was working towards the dont kill anyone, and the don't set off alarms achievements but they were glitched or i didn't do it right or something.
It's really up to you and what you are more interested in, whatever reason to get either game is good. I enjoyed Deus Ex but never finished it because I just lost interest in it.
If you do end up getting dead island, let me know

Quote by AJ:
yeah i have to admit, i have been kind of dissappointed in the releases...once i get my card situated i'll be picking it up
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