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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/11 7:06 pm | #3721
Mine will be 21, 16, and 10. The rule at this house is when you turn 18, you're out. You have the option of going to college or as I did and join the military. Either way, it's time for you to spread your wings.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/11 7:24 pm | #3722
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Mine will be 21, 16, and 10. The rule at this house is when you turn 18, you're out. You have the option of going to college or as I did and join the military. Either way, it's time for you to spread your wings.
Well, Im 18. Im still just a baby
. Im in college, but its just community college. So I still stay at home. I don't work because I take lots of classes so I can get my associates degree faster. If all goes right I'll get it before or right after I turn 20.
I think in todays world, 18 is a bit young to throw people out now. Its too hard to get a job that can maintain an apartment, and pay for school at 18. And the Military... dont get me started on that. I think I would put my kick out age at 22.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/11 9:57 pm | #3723
Ok..i have the HTC HD7 WP7....why the fuck can't I connect to Xbox live? I also get this funky general symbol on the live tile where my avatar is suppose to be...its pissing me off
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/11 10:39 pm | #3724
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Mine will be 21, 16, and 10. The rule at this house is when you turn 18, you're out. You have the option of going to college or as I did and join the military. Either way, it's time for you to spread your wings.
Well, Im 18. Im still just a baby

. Im in college, but its just community college. So I still stay at home. I don't work because I take lots of classes so I can get my associates degree faster. If all goes right I'll get it before or right after I turn 20.
I think in todays world, 18 is a bit young to throw people out now. Its too hard to get a job that can maintain an apartment, and pay for school at 18. And the Military... dont get me started on that. I think I would put my kick out age at 22.
Military is a good option. Two weeks after graduation, I shipped out. I got my degree and learned quite a few valuable skills. It was my best option for me and the perfect starting point for my life.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/11 10:51 pm | #3725
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by Detroit:
Well, Im 18. Im still just a baby

. Im in college, but its just community college. So I still stay at home. I don't work because I take lots of classes so I can get my associates degree faster. If all goes right I'll get it before or right after I turn 20.
I think in todays world, 18 is a bit young to throw people out now. Its too hard to get a job that can maintain an apartment, and pay for school at 18. And the Military... dont get me started on that. I think I would put my kick out age at 22.
Military is a good option. Two weeks after graduation, I shipped out. I got my degree and learned quite a few valuable skills. It was my best option for me and the perfect starting point for my life.
Yeah thats true. I just dont think its for everyone and it shouldn't be forced. I only know a hand full people who made it good in the Military.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/10/11 11:24 pm | #3726
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Military is a good option. Two weeks after graduation, I shipped out. I got my degree and learned quite a few valuable skills. It was my best option for me and the perfect starting point for my life.
Yeah thats true. I just dont think its for everyone and it shouldn't be forced. I only know a hand full people who made it good in the Military.
I did my 4 then got out. It was a good starting point for me. My cousin did the whole 20. I could never have done that.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/11 12:24 am | #3728
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Quote by Detroit:
Yeah thats true. I just dont think its for everyone and it shouldn't be forced. I only know a hand full people who made it good in the Military.
I did my 4 then got out. It was a good starting point for me. My cousin did the whole 20. I could never have done that.
My old man did 30. Retired as a captain I believe.
Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/11 12:26 am | #3729
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/11 2:20 am | #3730
Quote by NateDogg:
I'm loving this weather.
Also, Im not gonna cut my hair till August.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/11 2:22 am | #3731
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by NateDogg:
I'm loving this weather.
Also, Im not gonna cut my hair till August.
The weather today=amazing when I woke up for work. I need a hair cut soon, my hair is messy and down to my eyes, the girl that came into work this mornin told me it looked like I had a jew fro going on, I told her it was what I was going for
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
04/11/11 2:33 am | #3733
Quote by Melissa Evol:
I should be asleep, but I can't sleep. I was trying to fall asleep, but I kept hearing noises and I kept thinking the house was being broken into... it sucks to be paranoid.

Don't worry, those are just the poltergeists and other paranormal entities...
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