Random Thoughts
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Quote by Minioger:
Quote by Detroit:

At least she didn't say frozen side of beef......

Quote by Circus:

Yayyyy! Except I have to wait until about 6pm, boo. But I'm still excited, yayy!
Quote by kroberts11:
Quote by Circus:

Yayyyy! Except I have to wait until about 6pm, boo. But I'm still excited, yayy!
Psh, 6? Lucky. I have to wait until like, 7 or 8 D:

Last night after work I pulled up to an Exxon on my way home to fill up my tank. I walked inside and down the snack aisle to the coolers in the back to grab a tasty beverage, when the most glorious site befell my eyes. The very last bag of Bugles. Considering I haven't had a bag of said delicious salty treats in quite some time, I developed a sudden want-nay-need to devour them.
I immediately went to snatch the bag when I heard a ruckus behind me. I turned to see that an old man had almost taken out an entire rack of chips on his long fall to the floor. Bewildered, I began the process of walking over to help this fellow up and ask if he was okay, however, he quickly jumped-yes I said jumped-to his feet and shrugged it off.
So, I turned back around to grab my prize when the most horrible thing had occurred. Some thieving jackal had stolen my bag of Bugles. I turned to see who could have possibly done this, when I noticed an old woman checking out with the Bugles in her hand and that very same old man from before on her arm. I had been swindled by some old farts. This was not the end, though.
Quickly, I devised a plan to re-attain my much desired snack. I grabbed a bag of Wavy Lays and put that plan into motion. I walked up to the counter and told the lady working that someone had knocked over the entire chip rack. She sighed, and walked over to where it had "fallen". When the two old people turned to check it out, I used my wicked awesome slight of hand and switched the Wavy Lays and the Bugles.
The old couple turned back around, smiled, and asked the clerk-lady to hurry up. She went back to the register, checked them out, and gave them a nice, loud, sarcastic "Have a great night," before muttering "You old fucks." I smiled, and she said, "They think they can get away with anything." I laughed, and replied, "But not tonight." She gave me a puzzled look, and checked me out.
So yeah, I got my prize after all. But that isn't the awesome part. The awesome part is when I opened the bag and found the most morphed, mutant, beastly, giant, stupendous Bugle of all time. It was like 4 or 5 Bugles all baked into one massive delicious treat. I called it Rhombus. Then I ate it.
Quote by DisturbedMDD:
You shoulda taken a picture of Rhombus before you ate it.

Quote by Circus:

reminds me of kid rock in Joe dirt lol
Quote by Circus:
You could have had a lot more fun with him, provided he didn't hang up on you. Call again tonight....Epic fun.
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