Random Thoughts
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Quote by Circus:

Oh fuck yeah. Just got done reading the spread in Game Informer. Stoked.
Quote by Crustyhippy:
Quote by Circus:

"Beat the Meatflag"
all it is, is to capture 10 meatflags in submission (which is WAY easier said then done) and for the longest time, ive been stuck at 7....today, i was playing was bored so i was doin some submission...got my final 3, legit w/ no boosting at all. this makes me REALLY happy.
like, you could ask mudkip/greg/aidan/anyone else i used to play gow2 w/....i thought i would never get that one xD i always failed getting the flag at the point and then staying alive the few times i could
"do not look up porn on work computer. this is how Halo screen images are leaked."
Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Taco:
"Beat the Meatflag"
all it is, is to capture 10 meatflags in submission (which is WAY easier said then done) and for the longest time, ive been stuck at 7....today, i was playing was bored so i was doin some submission...got my final 3, legit w/ no boosting at all. this makes me REALLY happy.
like, you could ask mudkip/greg/aidan/anyone else i used to play gow2 w/....i thought i would never get that one xD i always failed getting the flag at the point and then staying alive the few times i could
Congrats man, I knew you'd get it sooner or later.
haha thanks mudkip. honestly i thought id have to get like a full party of 5 and then have whoever has the meatflag drop it for me to get it xD but i just jumped into a social match w/ some randoms n bots (each team had like 2 or 3 bots, that were doin pretty good honestly) and like id get the meatflag and theydjust protect the hell out of me as best as they could xD so it worked nice. took me a few matches, but i got it! now all i need is seriously 2.0 and ill have the original 1k

Quote by Mudkip:
Quote by Taco:
haha thanks mudkip. honestly i thought id have to get like a full party of 5 and then have whoever has the meatflag drop it for me to get it xD but i just jumped into a social match w/ some randoms n bots (each team had like 2 or 3 bots, that were doin pretty good honestly) and like id get the meatflag and theydjust protect the hell out of me as best as they could xD so it worked nice. took me a few matches, but i got it! now all i need is seriously 2.0 and ill have the original 1k

Yeah man I need seriously 2.0 and the lvl 100 achievement and I've maxed the game out.
yea those 2 are going to be a pain to try n get...and the annex thing -.- ughh thats gonna be annoying...i apparentally have like 2/8 maps...idk which two tho...isnt there like gametypes in the ranked playlist that are like "gametype on map pack" or whatever...? i remember something like that...
I'm playing Dragon Quest VI for the DS and loving it. Its so old school and the story/missions have SOOOO been done before (pretty much) but its so fantastic! I haven't hardly put it down, even for achievements lol.
I love the old school JRPGs..... I don't know why everyone has to go out of their way to make them so different. New things are nice but they don't have to totally remake these games to make them fun!
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