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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/08/11 9:42 pm | #2611
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by theEVOL1:
well i can see it improving playing...most people in the world are right handed, w/ a weak left hand...traditional fixes that, and builds the left hand. sadly im the opposite (STRONG left hand, really pathetic right) so theres not much i can do other then little exercises dealin w/ muscle building lol
but thats really interesting...a tradional sticking set player..thats awesome, honestly xD
I was the same way. I always led with my left hand. When I got my first kit, I set it up for a righty and shortly after switched everything around and played lefty and it felt so much smoother for me that way. I was kinda wacky that way cause I write right handed and would bat righty but was stronger as a lefty with just about everything else. It's been a long time since I played though.
Yeah, you damn lefties had nicer drumkits than I did, so to play them, I either had to switch everything, (which is a horrible pain in the ass) or suck it up and try to play left handed.
I make a terrible left handed drummer! It's not so much my left hand as my feet get messed up.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/08/11 9:45 pm | #2612
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by IRiSH:
I was the same way. I always led with my left hand. When I got my first kit, I set it up for a righty and shortly after switched everything around and played lefty and it felt so much smoother for me that way. I was kinda wacky that way cause I write right handed and would bat righty but was stronger as a lefty with just about everything else. It's been a long time since I played though.
Yeah, you damn lefties had nicer drumkits than I did, so to play them, I either had to switch everything, (which is a horrible pain in the ass) or suck it up and try to play left handed.
I make a terrible left handed drummer! It's not so much my left hand as my feet get messed up.
idk about playing set, but i know playing reg marching drums, bein a lefty is helpful...a lot of times, drumlines play traditional because it helps improve/strengthen the left hand quicker....but i dont need it, because my left hand is the better one xD i need a way to improve my right hand/arm tho...freakin....pathetic appendage it is
Re: Random Thoughts
02/08/11 11:41 pm | #2613
Here some plus 1's for you.
Re: Random Thoughts
02/08/11 11:52 pm | #2614
The Ted Turner on a buffalo bits on Conan crack me the fuck up.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:16 am | #2616
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by theEVOL1:
Yeah, you damn lefties had nicer drumkits than I did, so to play them, I either had to switch everything, (which is a horrible pain in the ass) or suck it up and try to play left handed.
I make a terrible left handed drummer! It's not so much my left hand as my feet get messed up.
Too bad you're going to have to be teaching a left handed drummer how to play, hmmm??? HAHAHA Shouldn't have hooked your sperm wagon to someone with strong left handed genes!
Also... I hate your sig. And your face. You're stupid. Love you, fag. But seriously- your sig is just not up to par.
Awwww....that made me sad. Such vulgar language....I mean who the fuck talks like that?
Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 6:57 am | #2618
Today is going to be such a long day... and then ready to come home and stress some more about life. I have a huge test coming up on Friday *sigh*
Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:38 pm | #2620
so i was listening to "The Source" by God Module the other day when i came across some odd lyrics that are from a movie-
"I Will show you things....wonderful, terrible things."
any ideas what movie?
Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:49 pm | #2621
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:51 pm | #2622
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
i got the same thing when i googled it, but i dont believe i've ever seen it! so it must be from something else.......
Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:53 pm | #2623
Fucking google let me down.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:56 pm | #2624
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Fucking google let me down.

lol. write them an angry letter entitled "ode to google: you fucking let me down."
Re: Random Thoughts
02/09/11 3:58 pm | #2625
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