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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/26/14 11:58 pm | #22456
Quote by Kat:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
If that was the first thing you did, you're doing it wrong.
Ummm... Still have one kid, buddy. ;p
You wouldn't be able to keep him entertained with your xbox and turtlebeach headsets to drown out the noise?
Re: Random Thoughts
07/27/14 3:58 am | #22457
Need help, my neice just turned 14 and likes to game,I'm trying to get her a game without asking her,I'm a little confused since she likes the walking dead series and GTA v, I was gonna go with like GTA 5 but I'm a little worried it might be a bit much, I don't think she's too good at some of the harder action games like assassins creed so I'm having trouble pinning the tail on the donkey here.
Also wondering if anyone has the rocksmith game and if its a good beginning tool for new players,thanks guys.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #22458
Re: Random Thoughts
07/27/14 4:25 am | #22459
I thought mine craft too, bully is a good idea,thanks.
BTW,I just figured GTA 5 was a bit much compared to GTA v.
12/31/69 7:00 pm | #22460
Re: Random Thoughts
07/27/14 5:15 pm | #22461
I have a full Gold account (as in not based on a 48 hr code) but when I go to download battlebock theater from my phone it still says it costs 14.99 any reasons why or suggestions?
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/27/14 10:09 pm | #22462
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
I have a full Gold account (as in not based on a 48 hr code) but when I go to download battlebock theater from my phone it still says it costs 14.99 any reasons why or suggestions?
The website always fucks up on me lately. I just stopped going there altogether. It should be fine on the console. Plus Live went down for a lot of people yesterday and nothing worked right for sure. There may be lingering issues.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 3:24 am | #22463
Quote by BoyzRFlatt:
I have a full Gold account (as in not based on a 48 hr code) but when I go to download battlebock theater from my phone it still says it costs 14.99 any reasons why or suggestions?
Mine does that from time to time. But I've found that if you continue to checkout the price will zero out. Also be sure that you are logged onto the site.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 5:54 am | #22464
So I'm kinda bord ATM,playing through dragon age origins again,I'm thinking of getting a game or two at GameStop tonight or tomorrow, any good suggestions? I'm going to per order destiny, I'm looking hard at diablo 3 but not sure if the dungeon crawler will hold my attention, maybe an action/shooter or RPG (in the vein of the witcher 2,mainly open combat) I'm really drawing a blank when I try to think about the last half year releases, maybe a few titles might help,gonna be playing on my sweet new 43' plasma so I'm gonna need a new game right? Thanks guys,been on some panic meds so my damn brains a bit slow.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 11:10 am | #22465
Xmengamer- Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, Dead Island Riptide, Skyrim...?
On another note. Can anyone remember if the Assassin's Creed Black Flag Season Pass that went on sale for like $13 recently was the one for the 360 or for the One??
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 11:27 am | #22466
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
Can anyone remember if the Assassin's Creed Black Flag Season Pass that went on sale for like $13 recently was the one for the 360 or for the One??
It worked for both. I bought the 360 version of the season pass and it carried over to my Xbox One title.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 11:33 am | #22467
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
Quote by EnemyBritBomber:
Can anyone remember if the Assassin's Creed Black Flag Season Pass that went on sale for like $13 recently was the one for the 360 or for the One??
It worked for both. I bought the 360 version of the season pass and it carried over to my Xbox One title.
And you got it from the recent sale? Because I have a friend who bought it in the sale, and its on his Xbox one but not on the 360 and we are pretty sure it was for the 360, so contacting support and the guy said that only worked near the launch for a month or so after launch and that it doesn't upgrade to next gen season pass for free anymore.....
Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 12:37 pm | #22468
fly out to Denver in 2 weeks.
Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 4:39 pm | #22469
It's Monday and it feels like a Monday..uhg!!!
Re: Random Thoughts
07/28/14 4:54 pm | #22470
Hell yea! FINALLY upgraded to plasma, sooooo much better than my old projection dinosaur. I can actually see the whole damn screen now,sorry,but I feel like a kid with a new toy,this shit rocks,I'll post some pics when I get a Moble that works,now Just need a new set of T.B. headphones and I'm golden,best Monday ever.
Edit, testing it out with some dexter on Netflix ATM,been up since yesterday so no gaming til tomorrow, BTW we get some dirt bike game and dishonored in augast for the Xbox 360 GWG.
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