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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 9:58 am | #21406
Quote by Wrothgar2009:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
It's been a few years since I have watched any, but yes, I am still a fan.
Oh, by the way - Happy Birthday!!!
Thanks. I haven't watched it in a while either. The final season kind of bummed me out. Season 9 suuuuuuuucked! Who was your favorite character? Mine was Rimmer. "Gazpacho soup!"
I totally related to Lister, at least partially. I could never have done half of the things he did on the show - going for weeks without showering for one - but getting drunk first thing in the morning on a huge uninhabited ship? Why not?
The last few seasons just wasn't cutting the mustard. Once they lost the Red Dwarf and had to travel on the bug - that sucked. They should have fired the entire writing staff and got back to the business of the original 3 seasons.
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 11:09 am | #21407
Quote by Grenade Rising:
Quote by AJ:
Only about another 50k or so to get top 10 in my state. Ugh.
Lol and I'm just trying to break into the top 100...
i am already in the top ten of my state
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 12:19 pm | #21408
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by Kimberly cx:
I might splurge and buy a new 360 and the One tomorrow. ._.
But then again... I'm cheap so...
Well....according to wal-mart.com, the xbox one bundles and console itself is on rollback for like 50 dollars off I think it's online only though
I get an in-store discount anyways. XD
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 12:27 pm | #21409
Quote by Kimberly cx:
Quote by Xandler:
Well....according to wal-mart.com, the xbox one bundles and console itself is on rollback for like 50 dollars off I think it's online only though
I get an in-store discount anyways. XD
If I send you a MSP code will you buy me shtuff :3
Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 12:43 pm | #21410
have u ever notice that the hilter mustache never really died in japan it werid how one person can ruin a look for every one
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 12:49 pm | #21411
Quote by heathkilljoy:
have u ever notice that the hilter mustache never really died in japan it werid how one people can ruin a look for every one
Stfu it's called the Charlie Chaplin Stache
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 3:00 pm | #21412
Quote by Daniel:
Quote by heathkilljoy:
have u ever notice that the hilter mustache never really died in japan it werid how one people can ruin a look for every one
Stfu it's called the Charlie Chaplin Stache
It's technically called a toothbrush moustache aka a lot of different names as shown on the wiki page...
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 3:20 pm | #21413
Micheal Jordan had one at one time
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 3:47 pm | #21414
Quote by AJ:
Only about another 50k or so to get top 10 in my state. Ugh.
At least you don't have to get another 240k or so like I do...lol
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/25/14 4:03 pm | #21415
Quote by Xandler:
Quote by AJ:
Only about another 50k or so to get top 10 in my state. Ugh.
At least you don't have to get another 240k or so like I do...lol
At one point I did. I joined in 09 with ~9,500 gamerscore.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/26/14 12:39 am | #21416
Submitted my New Jersey pilot / treatment / bible to a contact at ABC. The show's like a reverse Gossip Girl. Now we play the waiting game. ...........ahh, the waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
03/26/14 9:38 am | #21417
Quote by SeanPCannon:
Submitted my New Jersey pilot / treatment / bible to a contact at ABC. The show's like a reverse Gossip Girl. Now we play the waiting game. ...........ahh, the waiting game sucks. Let's play Hungry Hungry Hippos.
i likethe girl form gossip girl that in that group pretty reckless i been jamming out listen to her new cd going to hell
Re: Random Thoughts
03/26/14 10:19 am | #21418
It's raining out today. That means traffic is going to suck. Why is it that everyone forgets how to drive when the weather changes??
Re: Random Thoughts
03/26/14 12:10 pm | #21419
Be happy you get some rain we haven't had anything other then wind for the past 6 months.
Re: Random Thoughts
03/26/14 1:29 pm | #21420
i want to call it now my pick for game of the year will be j stars victory versus
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