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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 7:18 am | #2101
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
What some people think about in the load screens..............
Usually I am thinking about my next plan of attack or strategy.
They should've just made the loading screens shots of your guy poppin' a squat
behind a bush or pissing on a dead guy.

At least it would have been good for a laugh!
Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 10:32 am | #2102
So glad there is no school tomorrow! Even though tomorrow is my only day I don't wake up for an 8am anyway.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 11:03 am | #2103
Quote by Zombie Yakuza:
I just read on Christian Bale's wikipedia page that he is in talks to possibly play Solid Snake in an upcoming Metal Gear movie. Wierd.
seriously? fuck christian bale. that guy is an over-zealous douchebag who thinks hes the best dam actor ever JUST because he played batman. i mean yea, thats an awesome role, but it doesnt give him the right to act like hes the best actor ever. imo, thats god aka morgan freeman
on a diff note, i broke up w/ my gf today after 14 1/2 months. i do regret it slightly, and the way i went about it was kinda a dick move in terms of breaking up...but i'm actually not as sad/regretful as i was expecting to be.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 11:22 am | #2104
I have just discovered the magic of inhalers.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 9:16 pm | #2106
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 11:26 pm | #2107
Quote by Ellahjay88:

one of the mice died
she was just alive a little while ago when we had her out running in her ball...
Re: Random Thoughts
01/16/11 11:39 pm | #2108
Woke up for work late tonight then got to work and found out NE lost to the Jets, wtf? Figured New England would win it all this year.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/17/11 12:26 am | #2110
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
class tomorrow = gay
Why is it gay? Is there a rainbow, or a prancing unicorn?
I mean otherwise are you using the the old fashioned term for "happy?"
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/17/11 12:29 am | #2111
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
class tomorrow = gay
Why is it gay? Is there a rainbow, or a prancing unicorn?
I mean otherwise are you using the the old fashioned term for "happy?"
You know what they say about Snapples on Seinfeld? "Too Fruity"
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/17/11 12:36 am | #2112
Quote by Circus:
Woke up for work late tonight then got to work and found out NE lost to the Jets, wtf? Figured New England would win it all this year.
Yeah, Brady started off shit with an INT, and never really got anything going.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/17/11 1:04 am | #2113
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/17/11 1:23 am | #2114
Quote by Minioger:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
class tomorrow = gay
Why is it gay? Is there a rainbow, or a prancing unicorn?
I mean otherwise are you using the the old fashioned term for "happy?"
All of the above, plus it's Snapple, no other reason needed
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/17/11 1:26 am | #2115
Quote by Circus:
Quote by Minioger:
Why is it gay? Is there a rainbow, or a prancing unicorn?
I mean otherwise are you using the the old fashioned term for "happy?"
All of the above, plus it's Snapple, no other reason needed

Couldn't help myself.
I asked one of my classmates (who is gay) about the use of the term "that's gay." He told me he wasn't offended by its use as an insult but always thought it was a funny term to use. He was like "I mean if there's a rainbow or a prancing unicorn it makes sense."
I don't know, I just thought it was funny
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