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Random Thoughts
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Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/12/11 12:13 pm | #2056
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
Random Thought - Why is it that very few people like the forum games?
Because they're essentially all the same, they are all completely off topic, they make it hard to find threads that are actually ABOUT something, and they are nearly all made by
random assholes who join the site and decide they want the discussion sparker award but don't have anything interesting to contribute to the site.
Why do people feel the need to make threads about every thought that pops into their head????
NO, THEY'RE NOT THE SAME. One is the "5 letter game" and the other one is the "6 letter game". (I wonder what they'll think of next).
I'm guilty of enjoying some of those games, but yes, it's getting out of hand.
And I just put "random assholes" in bold an italics because I like that expression.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/12/11 12:13 pm | #2057
my 21st birthday is in 7 days.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/12/11 12:21 pm | #2058
Quote by Revelation1318:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Because they're essentially all the same, they are all completely off topic, they make it hard to find threads that are actually ABOUT something, and they are nearly all made by random assholes who join the site and decide they want the discussion sparker award but don't have anything interesting to contribute to the site.
Why do people feel the need to make threads about every thought that pops into their head????
NO, THEY'RE NOT THE SAME. One is the "5 letter game" and the other one is the "6 letter game". (I wonder what they'll think of next).
I'm guilty of enjoying some of those games, but yes, it's getting out of hand.
And I just put "random assholes" in bold an italics because I like that expression.
"word association game" and the "name game" are pretty close....one is just similar, one uses similar letters. oh shi--see wat they did there?
i agree the forum games do seem to be getting out of hand...idk if they are being made cause of melissas reason or what xD but still
Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/12/11 12:33 pm | #2059
Quote by Revelation1318:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Because they're essentially all the same, they are all completely off topic, they make it hard to find threads that are actually ABOUT something, and they are nearly all made by random assholes who join the site and decide they want the discussion sparker award but don't have anything interesting to contribute to the site.
Why do people feel the need to make threads about every thought that pops into their head????
NO, THEY'RE NOT THE SAME. One is the "5 letter game" and the other one is the "6 letter game". (I wonder what they'll think of next).
I'm guilty of enjoying some of those games, but yes, it's getting out of hand.
And I just put
"random assholes" in bold an italics because I like that expression.
That's like saying "you ever heard of 7 minute abs? Well I'm making 6 minute abs! It's one minute better!"
And I made Melissa's "random assholes" bigger and bolded and italicized your "random assholes" because I too like that expression!
Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/12/11 12:39 pm | #2061
Quote by IRiSH:
Quote by iKidd:
You ever take a crap and just feel like you should take a shower afterwards? I'm having that feeling right now...
Are you like George from Seinfeld and have to take your shirt off when you take a dump?

::looks around inconspicuously::..............no!
Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 2:31 am | #2062
The Black Keys and the guy from Vampire Weekend were on The Colbert Report last night and it was hilarious.
Colbert held a sell-out-a-thon to decide who his Grammy vote goes to since they both have a shit-ton of songs in various commercials.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 5:20 am | #2063
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by Revelation1318:
NO, THEY'RE NOT THE SAME. One is the "5 letter game" and the other one is the "6 letter game". (I wonder what they'll think of next).
I'm guilty of enjoying some of those games, but yes, it's getting out of hand.
And I just put "random assholes" in bold an italics because I like that expression.
That's like saying "you ever heard of 7 minute abs? Well I'm making 6 minute abs! It's one minute better!"
And I made Melissa's "random assholes" bigger and bolded and italicized your "random assholes" because I too like that expression!
I was thinking about the ab workout as well when I read about the letter games. Love that movie.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 6:50 am | #2064
I am so exhausted right now. But I just HAD to watch a movie last night before bed >_<. Stupid Kait.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 9:52 am | #2065
A Danish mile is 24000 feet in length.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 5:05 pm | #2066
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
A Danish mile is 24000 feet in length.
Mmmmmmm... Danish.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 6:37 pm | #2067
Quote by kroberts11:
I am so exhausted right now. But I just HAD to watch a movie last night before bed >_<. Stupid Kait.
Was it a good movie? Which movie was it?
Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 8:35 pm | #2068
Does anyone in Fallout: New Vegas ever go to the bathroom? Hardcore mode forces you to eat, drink, and sleep, but do you ever relieve yourself? Plenty of loadscreens, you definitely have enough time!
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 8:43 pm | #2069
Quote by billj1s:
Does anyone in Fallout: New Vegas ever go to the bathroom? Hardcore mode forces you to eat, drink, and sleep, but do you ever relieve yourself? Plenty of loadscreens, you definitely have enough time!
What some people think about in the load screens..............
Usually I am thinking about my next plan of attack or strategy.
Re: Random Thoughts
01/13/11 9:12 pm | #2070
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