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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
12/09/10 1:19 pm | #1681
I have an online exam that is due tomorrow at 11:59pm, and I have a final tomorrow morning at 8am. Not excited.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/09/10 2:07 pm | #1683
Re: Random Thoughts
12/09/10 2:26 pm | #1684
My mom is coming to town. Not to see me; to see her grandkids. All of those little 'projects' that I have been putting off, well, let's just say that they are ALL getting done. Funny how that works.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/09/10 6:24 pm | #1686
Quote by Durtie:
dun dun dun dun...dun dun. dun dun, nap time
Naps don't work for me. It's like having a party during the daytime
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/10/10 12:37 am | #1687
Quote by Ellahjay88:
DBZ Kai is horrible
At first I liked it because of how they speed up the plot a little, but then I noticed how heavily they censor it, it's like back to the days of FUNimation's original airing of DBZ. I mean it's not just the blood and the "damn!"s, they actually censor direct kicks to the face and stuff.
I can't fathom why. It's Dragonball. The whole thing is about people kicking the crap out of each other--why even bother to show it if you think the core material is unsuitable for the audience??
It makes me miss the days of my youth when I would grab boot-legged VHS tapes of fan-subtitled DBZ episodes and watch with glee as they had tons of violence and even superfluous curse words.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/10/10 7:06 am | #1688
Sigh, my accounting final is in 55 minutes, and I am not ready at all. I needed to get an 85 on the test to get a B in the class, but that isn't going to happen, especially since I found out that out of 70 questions, 23 of them is shit we covered AFTER the third test, and I have no idea about those concepts.
FML. As long as I can get a C in the class, life is okay. If not, well, I have to change my major.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/11/10 2:42 pm | #1689
what the FUCK happened last night.......
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/11/10 2:45 pm | #1690
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
what the FUCK happened last night.......
I dunno man, but you went home with that dude from the bar...
Re: Random Thoughts
12/11/10 3:00 pm | #1691
2 1/2 hours of work left........
I really want this day to end....
Re: Random Thoughts
12/11/10 4:05 pm | #1692
NEVER!! EVER!! Wear a red shirt/sweater/jersey/vest/turtle neck to Target.
Especially during Christmas rush.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/11/10 4:28 pm | #1693
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
NEVER!! EVER!! Wear a red shirt/sweater/jersey/vest/turtle neck to Target.
Especially during Christmas rush.
Nike stuff is super overpriced
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/11/10 6:44 pm | #1695
Quote by Lou:
I downloaded Flowerz to my wp7 and I regret it. Butterfly isn't as bad though.
Hahaha, queeeer!
Also, Lou. I got Employee of the Month in ACB
. Just need to get to level 50 and I'm 32 now!
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