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Random Thoughts
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Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 10:47 am | #1561
I woke up at 9:30 to be at my professor's office hours before she left (at 11) to make up a recitation and get a study sheet for the test. I'm already back. What a wasted morning of sleeeeeep.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 10:53 am | #1562
getting the new 360 and kinect for x-mas. can't wait a month.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 12:45 pm | #1563
I have a friend that is really into conspiracy theories. I should make him buy an xbox 360 just to calm him down.
Yesterday he revealed to me that Mr. Rogers, (yeah, THAT guy) was really a member of SEAL team 6, and a master sniper with over 100 registered kills to his name - and the reason that he wears long sleeve shirts is to cover all of his service tattoos.
I asked him about snopes.com - he said that whole website is a lie - just a bold faced cover-up.
Suddenly, I was thinking to myself about a jacket with lots of seat belts, padded room....
Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 3:22 pm | #1564
Today, the power went out at my school and I had to sit in a hot room with no reception with people I hate for three hours.
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 4:26 pm | #1565
Quote by Grenade Rising:
Today, the power went out at my school and I had to sit in a hot room with no reception with people I hate for three hours.
Couple weeks ago, my school had a super long lockdown. It was a few hours and wasn't so bad because we could talk quietly, but what was really bad was it was during our lunch
Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 4:35 pm | #1566
A little disappointed with the new Trials HD DLC. After playing through half the tracks I've either gold/platinum medaled them and I'm ranked in the top 50 for almost all of them. Ranked 53rd overall! That'll probably go way down soon though, I'm sure not a lot of people have played the DLC yet. Either way, the tracks are easy. Halfway done with the hard ones, then extreme!!! eeeeee! Can't wait.
Also, the achievements are easy as hell too. Got the two for doing tracks a certain way, I'll have the last once I finish the last extreme track.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/01/10 6:13 pm | #1567
Completed the game again, and damn there is one part in the second DLC extreme track that I could see some people never getting past. Took me 40 some tries..
After playing the DLC today I currently have 100.0% complete in the main screen again. Currently sitting at 41st place overall. Gold or platinum on everything. Pretty easy DLC and even easier achievements. Only takes about an hour to get all of them.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/02/10 12:47 pm | #1569
I have a test today that I would love to skip, and it would be alright since one of my tests gets dropped anyway. However, I don't know what I got on my first and third tests, and I need at least a C in this class, so I think I need to go. Boo.
Re: Random Thoughts
12/02/10 3:47 pm | #1570
Christmas is almost here...where did the time go???
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/02/10 4:34 pm | #1572
Quote by Melissa Evol:
My 8 year old son just turned off the 360, shouted at me that he was going to find out who donated Jurassic the Hunted to the waffle thread and punch them in the face, and stormed out of the room.
I think he likes it!
I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of that game except beating the final boss on hard.
Also, whoever made the Sony Bravia favorites menu was a retard. You can add channels (but when stupid stupid gay stupid comcast changes channels into nothingness) but you can't remove them!
Re: Random Thoughts
12/02/10 4:52 pm | #1573
Re: Re: Random Thoughts
12/02/10 6:42 pm | #1575
Quote by Melissa Evol:
My 8 year old son just turned off the 360, shouted at me that he was going to find out who donated Jurassic the Hunted to the waffle thread and punch them in the face, and stormed out of the room.
I think he likes it!
I donated it, and tell him to name the time and the place. I haven't met an 8 year old I couldn't take down. Except this one kid in Mississippi that could actually throw hadokens, but he barely beat me anyway.
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