Archived: Random Sports Talk
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seattle's defense is top notch so I think they are gonna win.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:

seattle's defense is top notch so I think they are gonna win.
I think Denver will take it.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
seattle's defense is top notch so I think they are gonna win.
Dude you flop around more than your mom trying to get into the sitting position from laying down. Just like last week you told me Denver would win if Seahawks and Broncos faced off.
You're such a foolish flip flopping fake football fan.
Quote by PureEvil x21:
I wouldn't say the 49ers didn't get any breaks, I mean just ask NaVorro Bowman......
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Quote by ComMandeR SouR:
The fans created another earthquake during Lynch's TD run against the Saints, a truly intimidating place to be the visiting team.
I honestly feel that if San Fran doesn't beat Seattle than they are your Superbowl champs.
Denver vs seattle denver wins imo
You confuse me. What made you do a 180? Denver even beat a better team Sunday.
Quote by Vermillion Haze:
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Denver vs seattle denver wins imo
You confuse me. What made you do a 180? Denver even beat a better team Sunday.
I changed my mind after watching both games. Seattle has the depth and players on defense to match up against denvers defense.
but it really comes down to how well wilson plays, if he can step up then I think that seattle can win.
And its almost like watching the games during the week can change ones opinion of teams that im not invested in!
1. Your jokes are terrible commander sour (I feel like a broken record since ive told you this before.) 2 fuck off. I can change who I think is going to win after watching them both play last night. Get your goofy ass outta here.
Quote by The Snapple Cap:
Fixed and with you on that one! Does Sour Balls ever come around here to do anything but troll up the damn sports thread?
Snapple its ok to agree with me, I forgot you're just trying to up your post count so most of your posts are just filler anyway.
maybe instead of trolling and attacking other members with every post you make, instead you can have some constructive and insightful posts so people don't think your an egotistical douche like you come off as all the time.
I just thought it was funny that you were talking outta your ass about Denver winning the Superbowl. Sorry I called your mom fat, the end.
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