Closed: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
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Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:06 pm | #16

Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:06 pm | #17

Re: Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:08 pm | #18
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
The correct term is: an Xbox 720
Speaking of random assholes, here's one!!!! Yay, a new friend... Since you care so VERY VERY much about grammar and spelling, I'll be sure to proofread your every post for you. You and I are going to have FUN on here, buddy!

Just because I dont like Row assassin I am going to report to Evol when I see a grammar or spelling error

Re: Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:13 pm | #19
Quote by AJ:
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
The correct term is: an Xbox 720
Technically no, you only use 'an' when the following word starts with a vowel, just because it sounds like 'X' starts with an 'E' doesn't mean you need to use 'an'.
I'm not trying to fight with you, but it says join an Xbox live party.
Ask any English teacher, they will confirm an Xbox.
Re: Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:15 pm | #20
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
The correct term is: an Xbox 720
Speaking of random assholes, here's one!!!! Yay, a new friend... Since you care so VERY VERY much about grammar and spelling, I'll be sure to proofread your every post for you. You and I are going to have FUN on here, buddy!

Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:27 pm | #21
like Four Channel said, there is absolutely NO way that the next Xbox will adopt the "720" name, it's just too corny, unoriginal, and ridiculous. if i remember correctly, the current Xbox is named the "360" because it is suppose to surround you in gaming and attract the attention of everyone non gamer (something the Wii seems to be doing better).
i'm more certain the next Xbox will simply be called "Xbox 3"
i'm more certain the next Xbox will simply be called "Xbox 3"
Re: Re: Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:31 pm | #22
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Speaking of random assholes, here's one!!!! Yay, a new friend... Since you care so VERY VERY much about grammar and spelling, I'll be sure to proofread your every post for you. You and I are going to have FUN on here, buddy!

Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:42 pm | #23
Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 8:55 pm | #24
yeah... i bet you all wish i knew how to hotlink..... or whatever it's called....
yeah... i bet you all wish i knew how to hotlink..... or whatever it's called....
Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 9:04 pm | #26
Quote by Noah 9000:
yeah... i bet you all wish i knew how to hotlink..... or whatever it's called....
yeah... i bet you all wish i knew how to hotlink..... or whatever it's called....
just right click the Pick and select copy Image location
On new message click IMG and paste the Code inside the brackets like
[IMG(])http://www.cnet.com/i/bto/20080908/Thread-Offtopic-Derailed.jpg([)/IMG] Remove the ( )

Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 9:04 pm | #27
I read the whole thing thank you very much. 
MiniOger also referred me to the Code of Conduct and "Flight Before Fight" in threads.
Maybe you should brush up on it.
It basically says that you should flight before you sit there and argue with me, give it a try.
Unless you want admins getting mad.

MiniOger also referred me to the Code of Conduct and "Flight Before Fight" in threads.
Maybe you should brush up on it.
It basically says that you should flight before you sit there and argue with me, give it a try.
Unless you want admins getting mad.
Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 9:11 pm | #29
Oh man, I'm actually getting achievements for once and I miss all the fun!
Re: Re: Re: PS4 and Xbox 720, rumors. nothing more.
03/17/10 9:13 pm | #30
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by xRoWx Assassin:
I read the whole thing thank you very much. 
MiniOger also referred me to the Code of Conduct and "Flight Before Fight" in threads.
Maybe you should brush up on it.
It basically says that you should flight before you sit there and argue with me, give it a try.
Unless you want admins getting mad.

MiniOger also referred me to the Code of Conduct and "Flight Before Fight" in threads.
Maybe you should brush up on it.
It basically says that you should flight before you sit there and argue with me, give it a try.
Unless you want admins getting mad.
It says I should flight, huh? Wow, I'll have to try that sometime... Flighting. And believe me, this isn't me fighting with you. I'm simply pointing out you started shit with 2 different people today over grammatical errors, when you have done FAR more annoying things yourself- in fact nearly every post you have made has irritated someone since you joined. Maybe YOU'RE the one who needs to "flight."
You bickering with me counts, we'll see what Jackson thinks is fighting.