Archived: PS3 owners, sound off!
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/20/10 8:24 pm | #46
Has Fallout New Vegas been released for the PS3 yet? Is it as glitchy as the 360 version?
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/20/10 8:27 pm | #47
I liked the idea of Heavy Rain, but the way they made it an "interactive movie" just means it's a movie where you constantly have to do pointless mini-games to progress. Putting the kid to bed according to his schedule was ok, but stuff like shaking the orange juice carton, or looking all over for the right last little "thing" to toggle before the story will progress... like I said, I would rent it first.
@Mo, I have actually heard the PS3 release is more plagued by glitches and framerate issues than the 360 one. :/
@Mo, I have actually heard the PS3 release is more plagued by glitches and framerate issues than the 360 one. :/
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/20/10 8:43 pm | #48
My blue-ray player seems to be working good?
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/21/10 9:54 pm | #49
hey if you guys want an easy game to get 3 platinum trophies and a ton of gold and all try the sly collection took me only a week would of been shorter but i dang school got in the way lol
Re: Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/21/10 10:38 pm | #50
Quote by Meta:
I liked the idea of Heavy Rain, but the way they made it an "interactive movie" just means it's a movie where you constantly have to do pointless mini-games to progress. Putting the kid to bed according to his schedule was ok, but stuff like shaking the orange juice carton, or looking all over for the right last little "thing" to toggle before the story will progress... like I said, I would rent it first.
@Mo, I have actually heard the PS3 release is more plagued by glitches and framerate issues than the 360 one. :/
@Mo, I have actually heard the PS3 release is more plagued by glitches and framerate issues than the 360 one. :/
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/23/10 12:25 am | #52
Is there a game on the 360 that you could compare Uncharted to? How about Drake's Fortune? I am just wondering what those games are about.
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/23/10 2:52 am | #53
The shooting gameplay is like Gears of War, with the cover and third-person perspective. There is also some platforming/action section.
Re: Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
11/23/10 10:19 am | #54
Quote by Meta:
The shooting gameplay is like Gears of War, with the cover and third-person perspective. There is also some platforming/action section.
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
12/05/10 2:50 pm | #55
I hope i will get ps3 on Christmas and get little big planet =D
Re: PS3 owners, sound off!
12/21/10 6:20 pm | #56
, i'm - rygar6672 - on PSN =3. resistance and resistance 2 ftw