Archived: PS3 Gaming
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Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 11:05 am | #31
^^I was definitely considering that as well. I've had my PS3 for 2.5 years, and haven't bought a game for in it in... 2.5 years.
Re: Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 11:05 am | #32
Quote by MizTian Cage:
Kait, you could always buy the GoW collection used as well. That way you'd own 3 GoW games for under $50.
Yeah I have GoW III and the Collection with 1 and 2.
But I played 3 first. I didnt really care to follow the story in that game. I just wanted to cut people into pieces, rip their heads off, and look at the pretty visuals.
Re: Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 11:09 am | #33
Quote by kroberts11:
^^I was definitely considering that as well. I've had my PS3 for 2.5 years, and haven't bought a game for in it in... 2.5 years.
I feel you there. I own 2 games for the PS3 atm. Valkyria Chronicles and Heavenly Sword. I've got No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise on order thru Amazon. I plan to wait until my car is paid off and then start picking up the "essential" PS3 games 2 at a time.
"Essential" meaning, LBP, LBP2, Heavy Rain, Demon Soul's, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, and Folklore.
Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 11:11 am | #34
Yeahh, I've been trying to do that for 2 years now, but each time I go to get a PS3 game, I just end up buying a 360 game I'd rather have. I got no exclusives with my PS3 (NCAA football 08, Battle for the Pacific and Bioshock), then a week later I picked up LBP, and that's all I have to this day.
Re: Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 11:12 am | #35
Quote by kroberts11:
Yeahh, I've been trying to do that for 2 years now, but each time I go to get a PS3 game, I just end up buying a 360 game I'd rather have. I got no exclusives with my PS3 (NCAA football 08, Battle for the Pacific and Bioshock), then a week later I picked up LBP, and that's all I have to this day.
you never scooped up the 2 free games from the PSN outage?
Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 11:18 am | #36
I got one, but I never chose my second one because I didn't want to get Infamous, cause I want it on my shelf (I'm kind of retarded like that), and then I forgot about it until I got back to my PS3, after the month of freebies ended. I got that stupid Wipeout or whatever game, and something for my PSP.
Re: PS3 Gaming
07/07/11 4:43 pm | #37
The PS3 has some great exclusives, but it keeps getting taken over as a blu-ray player in my household.
Re: PS3 Gaming
07/15/11 8:58 am | #38
I have to say, Demon's Souls is fast becoming one of my favorite games ever. Thank you PS3
Re: PS3 Gaming
07/15/11 10:17 am | #39
If I ever had a PS3, I would definitely have the Sly Cooper Collection and every Ratchet & Clank game for it

Re: PS3 Gaming
07/15/11 10:42 am | #40
I keep hearing about Ratchet + Clank, and it sounds like a game that I would like to try out. I would also like to try Little Big Planet.
Re: Re: PS3 Gaming
07/15/11 8:34 pm | #41
Quote by Mo the Surfer:
I keep hearing about Ratchet + Clank, and it sounds like a game that I would like to try out. I would also like to try Little Big Planet.
LBP is one that I have always been meaning to try out. I downloaded it for that free offer PS was throwing out. One day I'll get around to doing it.
Re: Re: Re: PS3 Gaming
07/15/11 10:01 pm | #42
Quote by MizTian Cage:
"Essential" meaning, LBP, LBP2, Heavy Rain, Demon Soul's, Uncharted, Uncharted 2, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, and Folklore.
Those are all def worth getting lol i also enjoyed the 2 infamous games and a few others. you may as well get uncharted 3 when it comes out in fall if u plan on playing the series. Most of the essentials have a GOTY edition with all the DLC too so that saved me some (like uncharted 2)
Re: Re: PS3 Gaming
10/29/11 11:40 am | #45
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Well on November 1st DC Universe Online will be free to play. You can even download it on PSN for free! Can't wait to try it out

yeah I can't wait for this...too bad Uncharted 3 comes out Tuesday because I will probably be playing that game over DC Online haha