Now when I first played the demo, my first impression was that the game was fucking awesome! Wow, these graphics are good, the game play is good, the review on GI is good................ I'm buying this game now!

Now, there has been a wide range of reviews for this game. Game Informer gave it a 9.5 out of 10. Thunderbolt gave it a 3 out of 10. WTF? Is this game good or not? I recommend that you read this review just to settle once and for all what score this game is worthy of. Besides, Thunderbolt's a shitty game reviewer. They gave Resident Evil 4 a 9 out of 10. Cheap bastards...
So you play as Domasi (or Tommy if you prefer) and he wants to leave an Indian reservation and take his girlfriend Jen with him. But Jen is stubborn and wants to stay because she loves her heritage and home because she's a fucking bartender. Great reason to stay here, nothing like serving drinks to truckers that want to touch your ass....
OK, lets move on before I get carried away.
Now if you have played Half Life 2, you'd know that the entire game takes place in a first person perspective, and that's the same here in Prey. The game begins with Domasi looking in the mirror in the bathroom of an Indian Casino, talking to himself. This way you know what your character looks like... a Native American. You'll notice that the environment is very interactive and you can touch stuff, go in the girls bathroom, and spin bar stools. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
Then you get abducted by aliens. Typical.

So while your on this alien space ship, the graphics look pretty amazing and will make you salivate. There's a mixture of walls of flesh and metal. I have to say, the graphics are very deep, after all the game runs on the Doom engine. There are people expressing their fear in this game excellently! They curl up, they pound on the doors, they're in their underwear, oh god it's a MADHOUSE! Even the weapons you use are gruesome looking enough. They scare me.... And you have to get passed all this just to save your girlfriend? Considering this is a game of Indians vs. Aliens, I believe a scalping is in order.
As for game play, I have to say it was really well done. It's very effective, and it won't be long before you use your spirit walk to kill people and shoot monsters. Speaking of monsters, they're are plenty of enemy types. And for those of you who say that they are over used................. shut the fuck up. As if you haven't seen all the enemy types in Halo 2 by the second level. Seriously, what is your problem? You don't like shooting a flying fat guy that shoots a cannon out of his belly button?
As far of the graphics and game play go, I'll say the voice work is good as it will ever get. Music isn't really one of the things I payed attention too, because it is often played very low. I have to say, I thought at least some of the words Domasi speaks were very emotional.

Now there are moments in this game that are awesome, especially the best use of "Don't Fear the Reaper" ever. I assure you that this game is a lot like Half Life 2, because not only everything takes place before your eyes, but also there is puzzle solving throughout the game, which require manipulation of the use of gravity and other gimmicks. Also you'll see portals that you can go through, just like the game Portal, except they're in mid-air. There's even anti gravity wall walking. Never before have I ever seen an FPS incorporate these things into a game successfully. It feels good, and entertaining and so fresh... I even quit the game in the middle of playing it just to go through it again.
Does that make me a nut? Yes, but you sir or ma'am, are a cashew. And cashews aren't nuts, they're legumes. That makes you weirder than me. WTF is a legume anyway?
Wait, what was I talking about?

Ah yes, this is the part where I go on a rant and say the things that I hate about this game. Well.................... I'm not going to. Yes, there's nothing I hated about the game at all. So, I guess the game gets a perfect 10 then? I'd guess so, but I'm sure you've heard that the major problem with this game was the fact your invincible? Yes, that's partially true. If you die, you have to go through a simple mini game by shooting spirits to bring life back to your body. Then, you return exactly to the same spot you died. But, if you fall off a bottomless pit, your sent back a little bit. No big deal. But they did this for good reason, just so you don't have to go through the 1 minute loading time for each chapter. But I suppose you think the invincibility is a bad thing, but no it isn't. Just because I'm invincible doesn't mean I'll just run in with guns gone a-blazing. You don't go guns a-blazing in Bioshock. You just end up at the last vita chamber if you die. And in Prey, you just go through a mini game. What's the problem here, I don't see it.
But there is one other problem with the game. On the hard difficulty setting, they remove all the health from the game so the only way to heal yourself is by dying. Now that is stupid. Also, the hard setting isn't available until after you beat the game. So basically, that was poorly a bad choice in developing this game.

Although online play isn't big for other gamers, even if you do manage to find some people to fight online, the action can become a lot of fun by shooting people while on the ceiling and killing people with weapons with secondary attachments. It's tight, if not lagging all the time for me. Also, I'm making the leech gun one of my favorite video game weapons of all time. So much fun to use.
Overall score, 9.7. The game is definitely worth playing, even if there's a lack of people online for it. Even for gamer score it's worth playing. You'll get 700 points for beating it on both difficulty settings and it's not that hard. Although the rest of the gamer score requires online play. This is why I do those boosting events people! The games only 5 bucks, so buy it!
So, I guess now all I have to do is end the review with a funny closing statement.
OK, so death threats are out of the question........... um.......... er............
Buy this game now, or I'll rape you.