Re: Possible hardware issue
08/01/14 8:04 pm | #18
Necroing this to find out about a new issue. Within the last week, I've been having problems when I go to launch arcade titles or downloaded apps for watching videos. They will start to launch, but then just sit at a black screen with no further activity for at least five minutes. I sign out of my Live account and power off the Xbox, then power back on and try again once I'm signed in again, but the same thing keeps happening over and over. This happens when I power up the first time for the day, but when I try again later the same day after leaving the Xbox off for a few hours, the arcade titles work normally.
At first I thought the issue was caused by the Cat-5 cable not being fully plugged into the Xbox, but after switching to a different cable that does fully connect to the Xbox, the same issue still occurs.
There seems to be two other possible things that could be causing this: 1.) After I run the network connection test on the Xbox, it says that the NAT setting is set to moderate (this seems unlikely to be the problem, but I'm not ruling anything out at this point). 2.) The DSL modem is very warm when I turn its' power off to try resetting the internet connection, as a possible problem with the internet might be causing problems with the Xbox (again this seems unlikely, but again not ruling it out).