Archived: Official Homefront Discussion
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/14/11 8:50 am | #16
I'm so pumped for this game. It comes out tomorrow. My gamestop is having a midnight release for it. To bad I work midnights and don't feel like calling off just to get the game. So I'll be getting it in the morning after work.
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/14/11 10:52 am | #17
i cant wait bestbuy is giving me some free head phones home front style awsome
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/15/11 7:44 pm | #18
Awww man. Picked it up today and can't play it till tomorrow. Have to be in church and we don't finish till 9pm. And the codes I have expire today!!!!!! Noooooooooooooo
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/15/11 8:54 pm | #19
"downloading playlists, please wait...
The Homefront Server is not available at this time. Please try again later."
it was fine when i was playing 4 and a half hours ago
The Homefront Server is not available at this time. Please try again later."
it was fine when i was playing 4 and a half hours ago

Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 1:17 pm | #21
Didn't have any problems last night with online. I'm just not impressed with it. Its just okay for me. Maybe as I continue to play through it will grow on me.
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 3:02 pm | #22
Anybody wanna help me get the 16 player achievement ? and the online achievements for that matter send me a shoutout on my page...
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 3:40 pm | #23
I hope they get the server problems fixed soon. Getting a party of 4 or more in a match is a pain in the ass.
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 5:40 pm | #25
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 5:59 pm | #26
Wish Gamefly would hurry up and ship this turd
Re: Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 6:32 pm | #27
Quote by Detroit:
Wish Gamefly would hurry up and ship this turd
Yeah me too
Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 9:57 pm | #28
Yeah, right now the matchmaking is pretty awful, but once they fix that it'll be a lot more enjoyable. The Battle Commander gametype is a really cool concept and the controls are pretty slick too, except for the fact you can't re-map buttons. Crouching with B? No thanks.
Re: Re: Official Homefront Discussion
03/16/11 10:01 pm | #29
Quote by Bullets Chase:
Yeah, right now the matchmaking is pretty awful, but once they fix that it'll be a lot more enjoyable. The Battle Commander gametype is a really cool concept and the controls are pretty slick too, except for the fact you can't re-map buttons. Crouching with B? No thanks.
I guess the 99.99% of all games that use B as the crouch/prone position as a default are wrong... Unless you're a dropshoting noob.