Archived: Official Crackdown 2 thread
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/05/10 4:47 pm | #16
10:00 AM the mall opens and i can get into Gamestop
Re: Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/05/10 5:16 pm | #17
Quote by Tha MasterCheif:
10:00 AM the mall opens and i can get into Gamestop
i'm debating on whether or not to hit up the midnight release at gamestop...oh thats right your mall won't be open at midnight...i'm not rubbing it in, I just honestly forgot, sometimes it sucks that the malls open stay open until least the ones around here are like that
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/05/10 11:37 pm | #19
I love me some open worldness although I do agree with Irish about the collectibles, can't stand em no matter what game they're in and what they do or do not bring to the storyline. Granted in most cases they give you tons of extra hours to go around the city finding them for the few achieves they bring, but by the time I go to really collect them I'm ready to move onto another game in my large collection. Only thing I enjoyed about Crackdown's was the fact that you didn't HAVE to collect em ALL to get your agility maxed out, just the main share you found anyways on route to the objectives.
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/05/10 11:50 pm | #20
Soooo when does this game come ouit?
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/05/10 11:55 pm | #21
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/06/10 11:37 pm | #22
So how is it so far? Gamefly received my game back this morning but didnt send me this yet so I doubt im gonna get it right away, looks like ill have to rent it at my local place.
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/06/10 11:50 pm | #23
I wanted to get it, but Red Dead is waaaaaay more worth it. (Same with Split/Second, Mercs 2 and Zelda: Spirit Tracks)

Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:00 am | #24
Already have Red Dead, havent played Split/Second, and Mercs 2 is like 2 years old. Dont play nintendo either.
Re: Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:01 am | #25
Quote by Circus:
Already have Red Dead, havent played Split/Second, and Mercs 2 is like 2 years old. Dont play nintendo either.
Mercs II is A LOT of fun, co-op for everything. Fun as hell. Easy 800+gs too.
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:10 am | #26
Yea I have everything on it except the collect everthing achieve and the billion dollars or whatever it was
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:12 am | #27
man i was playing this game up, and i paused it, and my girlfriends son tripped and fell, and hit the shelf holding my 360 and it put a giant scratch into the disc. Took it back to the rental store to try and get another copy and they had no more. so I am SOL and I was having fun with it.
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:13 am | #28
Smoothhh lol at least he didnt fuck up ur xbox though.
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:17 am | #29
yeah true, so my goal tonight, is to finish off LEGO harry, if my last Student in Peril is not glitched, and then do up some singularity.
But Damn It, I was having a ton of fun with Crackdown 2. I was up to 200GS in under an hour, since the demo didn't allow my profile to pop those demo achieves.
But Damn It, I was having a ton of fun with Crackdown 2. I was up to 200GS in under an hour, since the demo didn't allow my profile to pop those demo achieves.
Re: Official Crackdown 2 thread
07/07/10 12:18 am | #30
I just started lego harry earlier, only played for like 2 hours or so, I saw u got the Zek kills from behind and the beacon renew achieves on Singularity, shouldnt take too long to grab both of those for myself. I was at 13 of 25 beacons I think. How longd it take u to get ur last few?