Archived: new here
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: new here
06/08/08 10:26 am | #17
Quote by PSORaine:
Yeah, we should make a warning list for people who are new- maybe just a sticky thread
"Welcome newbies, a few words of caution.
#1, if you do not like Tacos, keep it to yourself. If you choose to disclose your dislike, you will be dealt with by Reverendmeta. And he doesn't kiss nice.
#2, Beware one5hot (non gothic) as he has bitten and may kill again.
#3, If you post multiple stupid threads, wear fireproof armor, because your threads will get flamed.
#4, None shall speak against the mighty TriXie360 as long as TK chillin patrols these threads.
#5, Watch out for theEVOL1, he threadjacks mercilessly, and you'll get caught up in it.
#6, Kiddcartel sucks at games, but is a pretty girl.
#7, Warning: Raine has opinions. Lots of them. Seriously. It's not a joke.
#8, just a heads up, there are several combinations of members that will take almost every thread on the site off topic. These include Evol, Kidd and Raine, as well as Meg and one5hot. Also the occasional taco topic will be brought to you by the good Reverendmeta. These criminals are capable of dragging nearly every other member along with them in their sprees. They are not to be taken lightly.
Anyone have anything else to add?
"Welcome newbies, a few words of caution.
#1, if you do not like Tacos, keep it to yourself. If you choose to disclose your dislike, you will be dealt with by Reverendmeta. And he doesn't kiss nice.
#2, Beware one5hot (non gothic) as he has bitten and may kill again.
#3, If you post multiple stupid threads, wear fireproof armor, because your threads will get flamed.
#4, None shall speak against the mighty TriXie360 as long as TK chillin patrols these threads.
#5, Watch out for theEVOL1, he threadjacks mercilessly, and you'll get caught up in it.
#6, Kiddcartel sucks at games, but is a pretty girl.
#7, Warning: Raine has opinions. Lots of them. Seriously. It's not a joke.
#8, just a heads up, there are several combinations of members that will take almost every thread on the site off topic. These include Evol, Kidd and Raine, as well as Meg and one5hot. Also the occasional taco topic will be brought to you by the good Reverendmeta. These criminals are capable of dragging nearly every other member along with them in their sprees. They are not to be taken lightly.
Anyone have anything else to add?
I told you not to tell!!!!!!!!!!
Re: new here
06/08/08 2:41 pm | #19
Quote by PSORaine:
#6, Kiddcartel sucks at games, but is a pretty girl.
wait one f'en minute
......i do NOT suck at games

i might look like a pretty girl but im not a girl...YOU GOT THAT RANDOM F***ER!!!
LOL...okay, im content

Re: new here
06/08/08 2:46 pm | #20
There's beers in the virtual fridge
Ive been searching for this dam fridge for like 3 days!!!im so thirsty....need beer...ugh
Re: new here
06/08/08 3:40 pm | #22
Quote by Snakexeyez911:
Ive been searching for this dam fridge for like 3 days!!!im so thirsty....need beer...ugh
its in a secret spot that i also can't seem to find >-> WHERES THE FRIDGE!!!
lol @ kidd
Re: new here
06/08/08 4:09 pm | #23
Y'all didn't find the fridge yet? I found it my second day here
Re: new here
06/08/08 4:33 pm | #24
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
Go it...we are starting a new Thread called....WHERES THE RIDGE!!!
Re: new here
06/08/08 5:06 pm | #25
#9 Crooklynmayo is the almighty fridgekeeper, and if you want a beer for free, you must answer his riddles three
#10 if you're offered dip, Just Say No.
#11 BlakZombieTaco already has the best gamertag ever conceived by mankind so stop trying to be funny with yours.
#10 if you're offered dip, Just Say No.
#11 BlakZombieTaco already has the best gamertag ever conceived by mankind so stop trying to be funny with yours.
Re: new here
06/08/08 5:13 pm | #26
Quote by PSORaine:
Yeah, we should make a warning list for people who are new- maybe just a sticky thread
"Welcome newbies, a few words of caution.
#1, if you do not like Tacos, keep it to yourself. If you choose to disclose your dislike, you will be dealt with by Reverendmeta. And he doesn't kiss nice.
#2, Beware one5hot (non gothic) as he has bitten and may kill again.
#3, If you post multiple stupid threads, wear fireproof armor, because your threads will get flamed.
#4, None shall speak against the mighty TriXie360 as long as TK chillin patrols these threads.
#5, Watch out for theEVOL1, he threadjacks mercilessly, and you'll get caught up in it.
#6, Kiddcartel sucks at games, but is a pretty girl.
#7, Warning: Raine has opinions. Lots of them. Seriously. It's not a joke.
#8, just a heads up, there are several combinations of members that will take almost every thread on the site off topic. These include Evol, Kidd and Raine, as well as Meg and one5hot. Also the occasional taco topic will be brought to you by the good Reverendmeta. These criminals are capable of dragging nearly every other member along with them in their sprees. They are not to be taken lightly.
Anyone have anything else to add?
"Welcome newbies, a few words of caution.
#1, if you do not like Tacos, keep it to yourself. If you choose to disclose your dislike, you will be dealt with by Reverendmeta. And he doesn't kiss nice.
#2, Beware one5hot (non gothic) as he has bitten and may kill again.
#3, If you post multiple stupid threads, wear fireproof armor, because your threads will get flamed.
#4, None shall speak against the mighty TriXie360 as long as TK chillin patrols these threads.
#5, Watch out for theEVOL1, he threadjacks mercilessly, and you'll get caught up in it.
#6, Kiddcartel sucks at games, but is a pretty girl.
#7, Warning: Raine has opinions. Lots of them. Seriously. It's not a joke.
#8, just a heads up, there are several combinations of members that will take almost every thread on the site off topic. These include Evol, Kidd and Raine, as well as Meg and one5hot. Also the occasional taco topic will be brought to you by the good Reverendmeta. These criminals are capable of dragging nearly every other member along with them in their sprees. They are not to be taken lightly.
Anyone have anything else to add?
#9 meg is the coolest
Re: new here
06/08/08 5:27 pm | #27
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
#9 meg is the coolest
Re: new here
06/08/08 6:09 pm | #28
The dip is not as bad as everyone seems to think! It just has a subtle green glow to it, and caused me to grow 2 more arms. That really comes in handy! Now I can threadjack and own Raine in kung fu panda at the same time!!
Re: new here
06/08/08 8:11 pm | #29
Quote by ReverendMeta:
#9 Crooklynmayo is the almighty fridgekeeper, and if you want a beer for free, you must answer his riddles three
#10 if you're offered dip, Just Say No.
#11 BlakZombieTaco already has the best gamertag ever conceived by mankind so stop trying to be funny with yours.
#10 if you're offered dip, Just Say No.
#11 BlakZombieTaco already has the best gamertag ever conceived by mankind so stop trying to be funny with yours.
woo! meta's my new fave person lol