Archived: New here
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: New here
08/19/12 10:18 am | #16
Re: Re: New here
08/19/12 12:16 pm | #17
When people ask me if I am getting a new release more then likely the answer is yes, I have a huge game collection , for systems from Nintendo -64 , GameCube ,original x-box, PS-3, and X-box 360 , and I also have a 16 bit sega system , now most of these are boxed away , my "go-to is and always will be my X-box360 ......laughing , my wife just shakes her head and laughs when she sees all of these games in wrappers , but I will play them all someday lol, my buddy has been the store MGR , at my local GameStop , and every year after the E-3show I go to his store/w a list and pre-order my games for the upcoming season....the only downside is they get price reductions sometimes before I even open the game ...."oh-well "
LoL!!! There's a lot of us here like that
LoL!!! There's a lot of us here like that

Re: New here
08/20/12 3:27 am | #18
Welcome to the site. Enjoy your stay.
Re: New here
08/20/12 10:56 am | #19
Hi the and welcome!
Re: New here
08/20/12 7:19 pm | #20
Welcome to Xbox America!
Re: New here
08/20/12 9:41 pm | #21
Re: New here
08/20/12 9:43 pm | #22
Re: New here
08/20/12 10:33 pm | #23
Wow thanks again guys , I almost started to back pedal after I broke a rule the other day , but everyone's warm welcomes have me liking this place. , I just have to do A Super search , on a subject very extensively , before I post