No, this isn't CoD MW2 or Gears 2. No, it's not even about the new Halo Reach beta we've heard about.
It's a new video game, being created by popular video game forum NeoGAF. What started off as a troll thread to try and appreciate a pinnacle game on the Nintendo DS, Imagine Babyz, quickly turned into a flame war. The thread creator, in response to the flames he was getting for appreciating such an amazing GOTY on the DS, was asked if he was a pedophile.
Various PedoBear.GIF memes were posted.
The OP, whose name is irrelevant, responded with "Man, sorry I'm not playing "Dudebro, My **** is ****ed up so I have to shoot/slice you: Part II" - An obvious parody of the trend of multiple shooters of the generation. (In particular Rouge Warrior).
This impromptu comeback was viewed as absolutely hilarious, and soon many amateur game devs quickly started to think of concepts for a video game.

Platforms: PC, Mac
Genre: 3D top-down shooter
Launch date: Summer 2010
Is a Dude not entitled to the sweat on his BRO?!