Archived: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
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MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
01/11/11 8:46 pm | #1
I don't know about anyone else, but i'm PUMPED for MVC3, it looks awesome! day 1 pickup for sure.
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
01/11/11 9:50 pm | #2
Took me a minute to figure out what MVC was. Marvel vs. Capcom. Maybe a rental at best.
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
01/11/11 10:16 pm | #3
are you a fighting game fan? I dfeinitely think it's a purchase for any fighting game fan.
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
01/11/11 10:26 pm | #4
It's gotta be a good fighting game. Soul Caliber and Mortal Kombat.
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/14/11 4:38 pm | #5
it comes out tomorrow I can't wait, anyone else getting it tomorrow?
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 12:55 am | #6
anyone down to boost achievements tomorrow?
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 1:00 am | #7
I most likely will be Snap, probably in the evening sometime. I'll yell at you if/when we're both online.
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 1:45 am | #8
im hella pumped for MvC3 went to the midnight release tonight..they had it set up on ps3 all night for people to play while we waited game is aaaawwwwwweeeeeeeeeesome
Re: Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 1:46 am | #9
Quote by Meta:
I most likely will be Snap, probably in the evening sometime. I'll yell at you if/when we're both online.
cool send me a friend request
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 2:12 am | #10
im down to boost tmw i get off work at 8 pm eastern time send me a invite

Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 7:26 am | #11
Oh I'll help boost alright, boost my confidence by smashing nubs in the mouf!
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 10:11 am | #12
i would help boost but i got the game for PS3 sorry
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 3:10 pm | #13
Junior and I got some great matches in today until my roommates woke up and clogged the bandwidth.
The online system is pretty bare-bones but it does have the fun icon & title system from SF4.
The online system is pretty bare-bones but it does have the fun icon & title system from SF4.
Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 3:52 pm | #14
tony im on your friends list lets boost the shit outta this game...

Re: MVC 3 discussion/reactions thread.
02/15/11 8:52 pm | #15
love this friggin game