Yes, damn that Mini and that Meta; never around here, shirking their duties and disappearing for months at a time! ... Yes, just disregard that "Senior Staff Writer" Usertitle near my name. Come to think of it, the word Senior in my title makes me feel older than it used to when I read it

But I digress.
Anyway, I agree with all of you on all accounts. Obviously I have had quite a prolonged absence from the site, due to many issues both in my personal life and also a bit of a lack of laziness. Stopping in from time to time, however, I realize that my absence not only affected my own account, but all of the members here on XbA who expect, at the very least, up to date news, and at the most consistent game reviews and community articles.
With that being said, I am going to get the ball rolling in order to remedy this situation ASAP. I see a lot of new faces, and overlooking the (now-dated) articles and news updates, there are more than few noteworthy writers hidden in our user ranks. I appreciate bringing this up, as well; I've seen the problems, but some times need nothing short of a kick where the sun doesn't shine in order to get off my duff and make a change.