Archived: Meaning of Life ?
Posted Under: Deeper Discussions
Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:07 am | #2
The meaning of life, the universe and everything is 42.
Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:08 am | #3
Many personal issues find there way to me also. I guess it's to live your life the way you want to. No matter what mistakes you have made throughout your life.
Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:09 am | #4
There is no definite answer to this question. Only way to find out if there is actually a meaning is dying...

Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:11 am | #5
We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
Re: Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:12 am | #6
Quote by KNTLxXxJ0K3R:
We all die. The goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.
Like a giant dolomite statue of yourself?!?!
Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:20 am | #7
"All you need is love."
Re: Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:23 am | #8
Quote by Stake:
"All you need is love."
Actually I think that is very true.
I probably shouldn't go into too much detail, most people don't like being preached to unless they ask for it.

....or its 42 (Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy) Go Meta!
Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:29 am | #10
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Oh great books....
Like Meta said, the answer to everything is 42.... (its a joke)
Usually the preaching starts arguments, arguments I don't feel like messing with right now. I'd be happy to discuss them via PM though.
Like Meta said, the answer to everything is 42.... (its a joke)
Usually the preaching starts arguments, arguments I don't feel like messing with right now. I'd be happy to discuss them via PM though.
Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:36 am | #13
What I'd say the meaning of life is, would be to live with whom you love and die with whom you love.
Also having faith
Also having faith
Re: Re: Meaning of Life ?
02/03/10 12:37 am | #14
Quote by Minioger:
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy? Oh great books....
Like Meta said, the answer to everything is 42.... (its a joke)
Usually the preaching starts arguments, arguments I don't feel like messing with right now. I'd be happy to discuss them via PM though.
Like Meta said, the answer to everything is 42.... (its a joke)
Usually the preaching starts arguments, arguments I don't feel like messing with right now. I'd be happy to discuss them via PM though.
Lol, those were probably the only books I've read the whole way through!