Archived: Love this site!
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Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 3:01 pm | #62
Unattributed Quote:
Gr8 Durtie Taco Brigade
I like it! We will ride into battle with our Dr. Pepper flags held high. Thanks for the nice welcomes everyone!

Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 3:13 pm | #63
Screw Dr. Pepper...It"s all about Mr. Pibb!!!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 3:36 pm | #64
Quote by Gonzo the Gr8:
Quote by Taco:
nope sorry those are mine
Ooops! I forgot you claimed them, sorry Sir Taco! I guess Durtie could always use her sunday church shoes?

Gr8 Durtie Taco Brigade wha cha tink?
sounds kinda sexual...the gr8 durtie taco? woa now xDD i like it!
somebody make us a flag!!! better be raising yourself an army

Re: Re: Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 3:43 pm | #66
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Ace Attorney 86:
I like it! We will ride into battle with our Dr. Pepper flags held high. Thanks for the nice welcomes everyone!

You're from Georgia so you may be waving Dr Pepper flags, but you'll be callin' em coke flags...
we call everything coke

"ey gimme a drink!"
"hows a coke sound?"
*walks in w/ a sprite* "here ya go!"
"thanks! gotta love coke!"
Re: Re: Re: Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 6:57 pm | #68
Quote by Durtie:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
You're from Georgia so you may be waving Dr Pepper flags, but you'll be callin' em coke flags...
lol, true dat!
Yall want a coke?
What kind?
I'll take a Mountain Dew.
It is true, in georgia, we refer to all soda's as cokes, its a state law.
This is true Durtie...everyone in TN makes fun of me because I call all sodas cokes.

Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 7:25 pm | #69
You Georgians are so funny. You know that you guys will just lose the civil war again because the North has a better dental plan
BTW Hope your having fun here!!

Re: Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 7:50 pm | #70
Quote by CrooklynmayoXBA:
You Georgians are so funny. You know that you guys will just lose the civil war again because the North has a better dental plan
BTW Hope your having fun here!!

Well, You know... most of those Northern Yankees never left, They fell in love with the State, the Peaches & the Southern Peaches! Plus, bout the only thing we do in the south fast, is Race & Drink! not in that order sometimes!
Re: Re: Love this site!
02/21/10 7:54 pm | #71
Quote by CrooklynmayoXBA:
You Georgians are so funny. You know that you guys will just lose the civil war again because the North has a better dental plan
BTW Hope your having fun here!!

we dont need teeth to kick your ass! we are beasts at shooting!!!
Re: Love this site!
02/22/10 5:59 pm | #72
Here is a picture for you Sir Taco!

Re: Re: Love this site!
02/22/10 6:21 pm | #73
Quote by Gonzo the Gr8:
Here is a picture for you Sir Taco!

dude you totally fuckin win at life for that xDDDD
Re: Love this site!
02/24/10 7:48 pm | #74
LOL y'all are right we do call sodas "cokes". Up north I think they call them pops or something silly.
Did you guys ever see that episode of Futurama that featured the lost city of Atlanta? So funny. I'm glad Ted Turner and the Magician got out before the city flooded.
Gonzo great job on Sir Taco's banner as always. You are the mayor of banner town!
Did you guys ever see that episode of Futurama that featured the lost city of Atlanta? So funny. I'm glad Ted Turner and the Magician got out before the city flooded.
Gonzo great job on Sir Taco's banner as always. You are the mayor of banner town!