Archived: it's back to 4 dollars :(
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Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 10:25 am | #16
even I remember when gas was 1.00
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 10:29 am | #17
Quote by TehLoooveMuffin:
even I remember when gas was 1.00
me too muff me too
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 10:38 am | #18
Quote by xOne5hotx:
me too muff me too
you were 3?
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 10:58 am | #20
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
you were 3?
I think i was 6?
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 11:18 am | #21
i remember when it was less then a dollar...and everyone thought 1.30 was insane..i beleive i was 3-5, maybe 6, and then they began a very slow incline
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 11:51 am | #22
Quote by PSORaine:
lol I think I had been driving for a few years when it got up to $1.00...
3 year olds definitely shouldn't be driving real automobiles, they should stick to power wheels; and where i'm from, gas has been $2.00+ for over 20 years now...
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 11:53 am | #23
yeah but...thats because rhode island sucks
lol...sorry man, i couldnt help it, lol
lol...sorry man, i couldnt help it, lol
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 11:56 am | #24
ok kidd, i'll give you that one, but don't let my "bloods" find out you said that....
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 12:55 pm | #25
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
ok kidd, i'll give you that one, but don't let my "bloods" find out you said that....
rhode island does suck tho...its hardly even a state..then agan, the smae could be said about conneticut and vermont...and this other state whom's name slips me..
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 1:28 pm | #27
damn, well thanks a lot , now i know my state sucks and my gas is overpriced...... i'm gonna move to guam or ohio!
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 3:09 pm | #28
I remember when Premium went to $1 and I was mad because I didn't have enough to get to college...I guess I'm old
Re: it's back to 4 dollars :(
09/13/08 4:09 pm | #29
hey, wait a minute, i went to college in the early 90's(oh wasted years) and i drove a full size bronco all modified that got about 5 miles to the gallon and i commuted every day (60 miles round trip) and i only worked part time and gas was going for $2.25+ a gallon! i know, i know i should have had something more economical, but that's just not me.