Archived: iam not a violent person but
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iam not a violent person but
03/06/09 12:33 am | #1
i just watched the kink of kong and relized somthing. i have never wanted anything more then billy mitchells head on a fn platter what a douche
Re: iam not a violent person but
03/06/09 12:41 am | #3
i liked the movie but what a dick man it was just messed up
Re: iam not a violent person but
03/06/09 2:45 am | #4
You have to remember it is a movie. While Billy is the "villian" in the movie he isn't a bad guy in real life. I would describe it as a show for the cameras.
Re: iam not a violent person but
03/06/09 6:52 am | #5
i do think that billy was a dick...
but what was up with that other guy uh..... crying.... over losing his top score?
good documentary though.
but what was up with that other guy uh..... crying.... over losing his top score?

good documentary though.
Re: iam not a violent person but
03/06/09 10:56 am | #6
dude he was a piece of crap dude beat his score and he submitted a clearly doctored tape he walked around like he was freakin michael jordon and didnt even back it up hes a douche i kick ass at madden and if i was topped ranked in that i would take any challenger not duck him like a bitch
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