Archived: I have _ achievements
Posted Under: Gaming
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I have _ achievements
08/12/11 3:10 am | #1
I have seen many people posting on other posts about how much gamerscore they just got to or what not, but what about the things that actually give gamerscore huh? What about the achievements? I shall start this, for I now have 1014 achievements after today.
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 3:27 am | #2
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 4:50 am | #3
around 140
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 5:06 am | #4
4650-ish! constantly going up!
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 5:31 am | #5
9,431 in 342 games.
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 6:22 am | #6
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 6:43 am | #7
not sure exactly how many but i know i broke the 2,000 barrier not too long ago
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 7:47 am | #8
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 8:39 am | #9
Re: I have _ achievements
08/12/11 9:06 am | #10
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