Archived: i am new.. nice site...
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 2:12 am | #16
Welcome to the board...Don't let the locals scare you.
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 2:51 am | #17
Quote by PuNiShEr IV:
You can try meg... thats all we got
There's also Raine.
Plus once Pasta saves up enough money for the operation... (you were wondering why he changed his gamertag to GibsonsBoobie?)

Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 8:06 am | #19
welcome and i am on xbox like all day,so friend request me sometime=)
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 8:14 am | #20
Wait ,wait, wait, hold the virtual phone?? Raine's a girl!?!?!?
Oh I feel better, now I know My feelings about her aren't weird and my own secret shame and should be hidden deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside me LMAO!!
Just kidding!! We all treat Super Raine and Mega Meg like the little sisters we wish we all had instead of the ones we got stuck with (shaking my fist at the heavens)
Oh I feel better, now I know My feelings about her aren't weird and my own secret shame and should be hidden deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside me LMAO!!
Just kidding!! We all treat Super Raine and Mega Meg like the little sisters we wish we all had instead of the ones we got stuck with (shaking my fist at the heavens)
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 9:19 am | #21
I bet we could own all of you 
jkjkj i suck, i get lucky a few times

jkjkj i suck, i get lucky a few times
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 11:21 am | #22
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
I bet we could own all of you 
jkjkj i suck, i get lucky a few times

jkjkj i suck, i get lucky a few times
Were in trouble now!!!
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 1:23 pm | #24
Wait ,wait, wait, hold the virtual phone?? Raine's a girl!?!?!?
Oh I feel better, now I know My feelings about her aren't weird and my own secret shame and should be hidden deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside me LMAO!!
Just kidding!! We all treat Super Raine and Mega Meg like the little sisters we wish we all had instead of the ones we got stuck with (shaking my fist at the heavens)
Oh I feel better, now I know My feelings about her aren't weird and my own secret shame and should be hidden deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down inside me LMAO!!
Just kidding!! We all treat Super Raine and Mega Meg like the little sisters we wish we all had instead of the ones we got stuck with (shaking my fist at the heavens)
lol Crook and I have been all day with the hairy albino trying that paint thinner...
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 2:11 pm | #26
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Welcome to the board...Don't let the locals scare you.
only one scaring anyone is you!!!

Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 5:42 pm | #28
"It's official like a referee with a whistle"
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/18/08 11:50 pm | #29
Yes we have Meg and Raine, but there once was another. Most of you know of who I speak. This other who blessed are site with her wisdom, now just blows in and out like a late summer breeze. Showing us only a glimer of her brillance and faint hint of her wisdom. This other, while not lost to us, has chosen to spend her shining energy on another site. I can't help but feel a since of something lacking without her here to guide us. I to have been to this other site. I can see the need for her there to fight the dark powers that fight to drag it down from its glory. The site I speak of is 360voice. A once pure and happy place to be. But lately the evil doers have launched their attacks on it, trying to drag it down into the IGN like depths of hell. I can only wish her luck on her daily battles to ward off evil.
We miss you HouseMDfan, please stop by when you can!
We miss you HouseMDfan, please stop by when you can!
Re: i am new.. nice site...
04/19/08 12:22 am | #30
Quote by PSORaine:
I have terrible hand eye coordination!
OK, I have to admit it now, and I have been hiding it. My biggest flaw.
I'm a super, mega, extreme klutz. I mean like Mandy Moore on Scrubs... That said, I do alright for myself, considering my inadequacy.
OK, I have to admit it now, and I have been hiding it. My biggest flaw.
I'm a super, mega, extreme klutz. I mean like Mandy Moore on Scrubs... That said, I do alright for myself, considering my inadequacy.
nutin wrong with being a klutz, who doesnt enjoy a good laugh when someone falls lol.
i think its funny as hell when i meet people that are klutz's especially girls, makes it so much fun to tease them