Archived: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
Posted Under: Gaming
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Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/02/13 4:43 pm | #2
None. And I'm ashamed.
Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/02/13 5:11 pm | #3
Since the official 1st day of summer? Beats me
Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/02/13 11:12 pm | #4
Yeah I need a definition of "Summer" Gamerscore. Are we going from June 1, or the first "official" day of Summer June 21? Because it makes a difference!
Also do you want us to post how much we got at the end of summer (again end of August or the Autumnal equinox on Sept 22). I'm so confused right now.
Someone should make me a sandwich before I close this thread....
Also do you want us to post how much we got at the end of summer (again end of August or the Autumnal equinox on Sept 22). I'm so confused right now.
Someone should make me a sandwich before I close this thread....

Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/02/13 11:31 pm | #5
Peanut butter? Check. Jelly? Check. Bread? Check. Sandwich made. Thread closed :-P
Re: Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/02/13 11:33 pm | #6
Quote by Tig:
Peanut butter? Check. Jelly? Check. Bread? Check. Sandwich made. Thread closed :-P
Sorry, allergic to peanuts. The sandwich has not been made....
Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/02/13 11:56 pm | #7
I don't know how much exactly, but last night I completed Avatar the burning earth in 2 minutes 33 seconds (yes, I timed it.)
Re: Re: How much Summer Gamerscore do you have! (So Far)
07/04/13 2:31 am | #8
I think about 2-3k so far.
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