Archived: How many Xbox's have you owned?
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Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
03/17/14 7:18 pm | #122
only one! still have my original white 360, I've eluded the red ring of death for many years now
Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
03/17/14 7:21 pm | #123
Just 2 first one red ringed in 07, got the second from amazon and it's still going strong (fingers crossed)
Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
03/17/14 8:48 pm | #124
Dam I'm already on my 3rd X box one. Well technically it's the same one but I've had to have the disc drive replaced twice.
Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
03/17/14 10:42 pm | #125
I've still have my original xbox 360, have had it since 2009, still no problems whatsoever with it.
Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
03/18/14 2:46 am | #126
ive had 2 my original elite that my friends broke while i was deployed and the one i bought after which was a splinter cell elite version which i bought in 2010 oh and not to mention my xbox original that i bought in 2005 that still runs great
Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
03/18/14 8:53 am | #127
14 or something...currently have 5 360's an X1 and my original Xbox which I still play.
Re: How many Xbox's have you owned?
11/28/14 9:46 pm | #128
I'm still on my second Xbox (black 360S with black controllers) but I have upgraded the hard drive (500GB instead of 320GB).