Archived: how did you find...
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Re: how did you find...
09/10/09 12:24 am | #46
Some guy told me about it you can check your ranking in gamerscore
Re: Re: how did you find...
09/10/09 5:50 am | #47
Quote by xThExCrImInAlx:
Some guy told me about it you can check your ranking in gamerscore
3 ways.
1. at the top go to "leaderboards" find your state, and start searching.
2. go to your profile, you should see "Rank in (state initials):" and "Rank in America:" w/ a number following...
3. Go to "User CP" at the top, click on Gamercard Images. Both have your ranking.
#2 is the easiest, but if you want you can do #1 just to figure out how much more before you rank up...or how close you are to ranking down
Re: how did you find...
09/10/09 8:11 am | #48
I found it by looking up any xbox forums.
Re: how did you find...
09/10/09 8:35 am | #49
I was searching google looking for achievement guides..... Got x360a but didn't like the community so I re searched it and found this site. Read the laugh you lose thread and signed up right after lol. Good stuff