Archived: hello people just call me Kat
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 1:07 pm | #16
nuffin mufin you - ello moto
Re: Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 1:08 pm | #17
Quote by Meta:
Hail and welcome to XBA!
How is AC:Revelations compared to Brotherhood?
How is AC:Revelations compared to Brotherhood?
revelations is good campaign is pretty much the same but the online flows alot better and they added a prestige deal which is good cause after i hit level 50 on brotherhood i quit playing it
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 1:16 pm | #18
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 9:12 pm | #20
welcome to the nuthouse
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 9:41 pm | #21
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 10:48 pm | #22
Short and to the point...I like your style! Welcome to the site.
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/22/11 11:34 pm | #23
thanks everyone didnt relize i would be getting this many welcomes to the site lol
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/23/11 2:46 am | #24
It's cause we love you man!!
So... you doin' anything this weekend?
So... you doin' anything this weekend?

Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/23/11 5:21 pm | #25
well... you know....
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/23/11 5:30 pm | #26
Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/23/11 6:39 pm | #27
Just look out for Meta. It's all about his free candy and his van.....

Re: hello people just call me Kat
11/23/11 7:28 pm | #28
Welcome to XBA!