What gets better Overall Picture Quality HDMI or VGA Cables?
Archived: HDMI VS. VGA Cables
Posted Under: 360 Talk
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01/02/10 10:06 am | #1
I curently have my 360 hooked up with the HD VGA Cables and I was wondering if Anyone knows if the picture quality is better on a HDMI cable.
What gets better Overall Picture Quality HDMI or VGA Cables?
What gets better Overall Picture Quality HDMI or VGA Cables?
Re: HDMI VS. VGA Cables
01/02/10 10:18 am | #2
HDMI ftw
Re: Re: HDMI VS. VGA Cables
01/02/10 10:20 am | #3
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
HDMI ftw
Have you seen them both in action?
Re: HDMI VS. VGA Cables
01/02/10 10:30 am | #4
Yeah, i used HD VGA for a while. Then i got a Re5 Red Elite when those released....hooked up the HDMI and was like WHOA! lol I plugged my HD VGA's back in about 2 days later...just to see if had a true difference. You can really tell......after playing HDMI....when you go back to VGA's it looks truly horrible.
Re: Re: HDMI VS. VGA Cables
01/02/10 10:32 am | #5
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
Yeah, i used HD VGA for a while. Then i got a Re5 Red Elite when those released....hooked up the HDMI and was like WHOA! lol I plugged my HD VGA's back in about 2 days later...just to see if had a true difference. You can really tell......after playing HDMI....when you go back to VGA's it looks truly horrible.
Sweet! Thanks man
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