Quote by Daniel:
Quote by Minioger:
I could go into a lot with this one but the point is Daniel that if it is a DUI stop and someone won't roll the window down far enough, any good cop is going to question why. That window wasn't open enough for the cop to smell if the guy had alcohol on his breath.
I'm all for each of us having our liberty and I'm against how it was handled after that, however asking someone to roll the window down a bit further was not a difficult task. $100 says that crap wouldn't have happened had the guy just complied a little bit. That's what I hate about these videos, people want to make a point but they don't respond in a normal manner.
Most people who had nothing to hide wouldn't have normally just refused to roll a window down. I'd think the guy was hiding something as well.
Oh I understand, This whole situation could have been avoided had the guy just lowered his window, he didn't technically have to lower his window for the cop, but by doing that he aroused his suspicion. I don't like the way it was handled though they were both in the wrong.
I'm not defending the guy but he does have a point that police should not be able to search you like he was but at the same time I understand where the Officer is coming from but that's just my opinion.
No I'm with you 100%, it should not have been handled the way it was, the guy wasn't being belligerent. Although still wrong to be searched that way, if someone is belligerent to the cops I'd feel the reaction they had would have been more appropriate.
Frankly the cop should have simply informed the guy that he needed to make sure he had not been drinking and ask him again to roll his window down. The problem is there are some cops who are just a-holes, but on the other hand these guys (cops) go out there and deal with a lot of people giving them hell for no reason other than doing their jobs.
I get the point of this guy's video, however I'm not a big fan of making a point in the way he did.