Archived: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
Posted Under: Xbox News
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/23/10 7:05 pm | #2
Here come the halo fanboys...
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/23/10 7:13 pm | #3
I'm going to pre-order The Legendary edition.
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/23/10 7:14 pm | #4
The legendary looks really cool, but I just can't pay 150$ for a game unless it's Gears of War 
I might get the limited edition though. Either way, this game looks great.

I might get the limited edition though. Either way, this game looks great.
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/23/10 7:22 pm | #5
I'll be getting Legendary, only if they don't a make a halo reach console. Hopefully they will actually customize it instead of just giving you two controllers and a 250 gig hard drive.. kinda lame.
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/23/10 10:13 pm | #8
cool im going to get maybe legendary...idk
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/25/10 10:14 am | #10
This will be the first Halo game I actually buy and I might just enjoy this one.
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/25/10 12:13 pm | #11
Reach may well get me back into Halo multiplayer since Halo 2. i won't be getting the Legendary Edition however, i'm not that big of a fan of the series in general and i can't see myself spending that much for a special edition unless it's something i REALLY want
i'll probably be picking up the game alone however, the multiplayer looks fun
i'll probably be picking up the game alone however, the multiplayer looks fun

Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/26/10 8:47 am | #12
legendary=pre-order asap. sounds beast. ^.^ even though im against giving microsoft shovels full of money, this could be worth it......
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/26/10 8:06 pm | #13
NEED A JOB. Oh it looks so sexy

Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/27/10 12:10 am | #14
i'll get the regular edition.
Re: Halo:Reach Legendary Revealed!
04/27/10 1:26 am | #15
I WANT IT!!!!!!! I am a WHORE for special edition anything. WOW =D