Archived: halo 3 bull
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Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 7:58 pm | #16
woot sargent grade 1 with a skill level of 11. im happy now.
Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 8:00 pm | #17
lol u better be
Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 8:32 pm | #18
the last match i was in this guy wanted to get the achievements for triple kill, overkill, and kill frenzy. so he expected everyone to all stand next to each other so he could kill us and the other team did. but i didnt and i just started opening fire on all the guys standing next to each other and the other guy got pissed and assassinated me. but i still kept pwning the hell outta them. i cant remember but i think i won. but w/e it got me to sergeant. those fools. i wasnt about to lose so some guy could get the achievements
Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 9:17 pm | #19
lol i wouldnt let hime get it either
Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 9:34 pm | #20
the other night some guy asked the game i was in too and i said well if anyone is gonna be gettin an achievement out of this game its gonna be me from owning you over and over again
Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 9:35 pm | #21
I know how you feel I checked my record online and saw that I lost 6 points somehow. I would have been at 50 by now. The thing sez I lost it by quiting games but I don't quit games!!! Agggrrrgghhhhh
Re: halo 3 bull
10/10/07 9:51 pm | #22
the other night some guy asked the game i was in too and i said well if anyone is gonna be gettin an achievement out of this game its gonna be me from owning you over and over again
yea whitey thats how you do it right there. i was just enjoying pwning them XD so they didnt deserve the achievements.
Re: halo 3 bull
10/11/07 6:43 am | #23
I suck at playing online but that's because I BARELY play, I usually only play with my boyfriend and if I'm not playing with him then I play a different game

Re: halo 3 bull
10/11/07 4:52 pm | #24
i remember the match i played with you. i blew you up with a tank XD.
Re: halo 3 bull
10/11/07 9:46 pm | #25
Here are a few tips for lone Wolves. 1. Win the game. You get a exp. point for every match that you win. 2. Know what achievements that you need. As long as you don't come in last place, if you unlock a achievement you will get a exp. point. 3.Know the maps. Even if your not good at slayer, you can still rule at Oddball and Crazy King. 4. Just play alot. You will get a exp. point for every 5th or 6th match as long as you don't come in last place. I know this works, because I really suck at this game. And I'm a captain with a true skill of 23.
Re: halo 3 bull
10/11/07 10:26 pm | #26
im only good at slayer i suck at oddball and crazy king. and i hate coming in last place. i normally land 3rd or higher. and i usually get an exp. point after 2 rounds even if i come in third. and i get an exp point after one match if i come in first. it normally takes more then one first place victory to get up your skill though. but i just own thats why i have gotten to a skill level of 11 after not that many ranked matches. i havent gotten the chance to play hundreds of matches like some people can. ive played 30 some the last time i checked. so i havent even played that many ranked matches. and most of them im against higher ranking people any way. gunnery sergeants, lieutenant, captain, etc.
Re: halo 3 bull
10/17/07 9:56 pm | #27
Ya i have had those problems to but i have gotten past them and made it to lvl 42!

Re: halo 3 bull
10/18/07 3:12 pm | #28
yea yea. now whos braggin