Archived: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
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Re: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
08/16/11 4:40 pm | #2
One big storm and it'll all be gone. Stupid idea.
Re: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
08/16/11 4:52 pm | #4
"start from scratch--free from the laws, regulations, and moral codes of any existing place"
"few restrictions on weapons"
Yeah....that seems like a great combo. Where do I sign up to get killed?
"few restrictions on weapons"
Yeah....that seems like a great combo. Where do I sign up to get killed?
Re: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
08/16/11 5:01 pm | #5
BioShock will always be one of my all-time favorite games but if I had to choose between living on the bottom of the Atlantic or floating around on top, I'd have to choose floating around.
Re: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
08/16/11 7:13 pm | #6
I highly doubt this will actually happen. Well short of a "Waterworld" type apocalypse. (Which is a good movie despite what critics say)
Re: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
08/16/11 8:56 pm | #7
Its a damn good idea. But I think AJ is spot on with his statement of there being a storm and it's all gone.
Re: Re: Guess these guys never played Bioshock
08/16/11 10:37 pm | #8
Quote by AJ:
One big storm and it'll all be gone. Stupid idea.
Haha, this is all I could think about. I can see them now, feeling all liberated, and then a week later a big ass storm fucks them.
Good laugh.
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