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Archived: good ideas for a gamertag?
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Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/24/08 11:21 pm | #16
Quote by PSORaine:
how about something girly like PurplePinata (IDK where the pinata is from lol) then when you play against people, they'll hit on you and you'll get a laugh ^_^
... LOL piniata, they'll hit u with a stick
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/25/08 6:43 pm | #17
Quote by PSORaine:
how about something girly like PurplePinata (IDK where the pinata is from lol) then when you play against people, they'll hit on you and you'll get a laugh ^_^
Hah, good idea!
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/26/08 2:44 am | #18
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/26/08 3:08 am | #19
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/26/08 1:02 pm | #21
you could go the boring route like me and my friends and do (initials/firstname last initial/first initial last name) then add relevant numbers (0323 is my birthday) or ur last 4 digits of fone number (1331, dont even try cuz it isnt my real number....its my friend jakes
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/26/08 5:57 pm | #24
Quote by PSORaine:
how about something girly like PurplePinata (IDK where the pinata is from lol) then when you play against people, they'll hit on you and you'll get a laugh ^_^
lol it would be to scary lol
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/26/08 9:06 pm | #25
well.. i can't give you any REAL awesome ones cuz i change my gt alot...
but how about purple rain? aaaaahahaha just kidding.
(it's probably taken)
... purple rayne?
dont kill kenny
ur mom killed kenny
master chief FTW
dont h8 the sk8
just a few quick, drunk ideas
(you could always throw in silly 1337 speak if names aren't available, such as OMG or R0FF13 C0P73R. it's fun AND universal!)
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/26/08 10:15 pm | #26
How about...
General DISSARAY (butters' alt egos sidekick in southpark)
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/27/08 8:11 am | #27
How about clientNo#(you pick the number)
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/31/08 7:09 pm | #29
Quote by PSORaine:
great, now I feel the compulsion to try every single combination of area code and prefix with the last 4 being 1331 just so I can say "Is Jake there? You know- Mike D's friend?"
My brother always plays Halo 2 on my system with the name Jesus. He thinks it's hilarious when I die and it says "You've been assassinated by Jesus."
Seems like most of the cool names on XBL are taken already though. I don't like the people who purposely misspell a word so they can have it as their GT, either . Ugh, that's soooo annoying!!
Hey, you could use that "What's your porno stage name" formula to make a name... I think it's the name of your first pet as your first name, and the street you grew up on as your last name- maybe that's backwards though. If you ever see a red haired chick in a porno called Cuddles Clyde or Clyde Cuddles, it might be me...
hehe ill keep and eye out for the red haired chick
Re: good ideas for a gamertag?
03/31/08 9:09 pm | #30
Quote by PSORaine:
Hmm... How about UncleDad? I knew a girl who wanted to use the name NoDaddyNo IDK if she did or not, but I'd be mad if I were her dad!
thats great.
im thinking of changing my gt to HippeFishee
its an inside joke lol
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