Quote by Moon Knight 875:
Well since you called me a fag, why don't you go screw yourself lesbian, see how childish you sound.. Now listen you little wet behind the ear bitch, its been stated EVEYONE is entitled to THEIR opinion-- thats what makes us unique as human beings, obviously you haven't figured that much out yet, AND the most important thing on this site is GAMERSCORE and where you rank in AMERICA, so when you EVEN get close then come talk to me, until then your don't DESERVE to voice yourself to me, as Stan Lee best put it--"Nuff Said"
lolololololololololololol I could probably get more women then you ever could.
Wooooo Gamerscore....omg you're so cool I can't even contain myself...could you teach me how to be an old skinny fuck and glue myself in front of the tv with no life because I'm a failure and nobody likes me? I'd really like to learn