Archived: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
Posted Under: Gaming
Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/11/10 8:46 pm | #16
That's pretty gay. I'd be pretty damn annoyed if that happened here in VA.
Re: Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/11/10 11:18 pm | #20
Quote by Moon Knight 875:
next thing you know their gonna wanna a DNA(sperm) sample..
That would be great hahah
"Sir can you drop you pants please and take this cup to the bathroom with you"
But then what would a girl do?
Re: Re: Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/11/10 11:22 pm | #22
Quote by Church Arsonist:
Quote by Big Mike:
Well at least they are not asking for blood yet!
Haven't seen why this hasn't been enforced here where I live with all the dormroom thefts that happen here. Plus if you where ever robbed and this is what brings the thief in you would probably love this system. Oh well I guess hate it!
Haven't seen why this hasn't been enforced here where I live with all the dormroom thefts that happen here. Plus if you where ever robbed and this is what brings the thief in you would probably love this system. Oh well I guess hate it!
Then pay with your blood!
i don't care who's to blame, i 'aint standing in line at gamestop for 40 minutes, regardless of what i'm doing there, unless it's a midnight release or something.
Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/11/10 11:26 pm | #23
I dont understand how taking a thumbprint takes 40 minutes? Shouldnt that take 40 seconds at the most? Put thumb in ink, push down on paper or whatever theyre putting it on and done. Little bit ridiculous.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/11/10 11:32 pm | #24
Quote by Melissa Evol:
Quote by Greg:
That would be great hahah
"Sir can you drop you pants please and take this cup to the bathroom with you"
But then what would a girl do?
DNA comes in spit too, Greg...

Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/11/10 11:45 pm | #25
not their fault but utterly stupid notheless
Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/12/10 12:30 am | #26
while i agree that does suck, I don't see how this is at all against gamestop. The company must follow local laws.
Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/12/10 12:55 am | #27
i guess im not sellin my games in flint any more saginaw here i come lol... i get why they are trying it but ithink its stupid as hell how would they tell if the games were stolen anyway and 40 min wtf
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/12/10 8:24 am | #28
Quote by Greg:
Quote by Melissa Evol:
DNA comes in spit too, Greg...

Yeah i did forget about that i was just being sarcastic for having to wait in line so long, and was thinkin of the customers behind me-whom i offered to go ahead and go ahead of me, but overall it is pretty lame they are doing this.
Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/12/10 2:15 pm | #29
Thankfully, practices such as this are illegal in the great state of Massachusetts. I traded in three games just the other day, out the door in five

Re: Re: Gamestop--WTF..Are you kidding me
06/12/10 2:17 pm | #30
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
Thankfully, practices such as this are illegal in the great state of Massachusetts. I traded in three games just the other day, out the door in five 

Only drawback is I heard Mass. smells like pee...