Archived: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 8:51 am | #2
Bioshock 2 CE
Dantes Inferno
Battle field Bad Company 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction Collector's Edition
Alan Wake
Red Dead Redemption
Split Second
Iron Man 2
NCAA Football 11
Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 (need to finish one lol)
Madden 11
Dead Rising 2
Halo Reach
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II (Going to play the first soon)
Dead Space 2 (Going to play the first soon)
Dark Void
Army of Two 40th day
Mass Effect 2
Just Cause 2
Crackdown 2
Alpha Protocol
Mafia 2
I'm sure I'll be adding more along the way.I need to play Dead Space and Star Wars The Force Unleashed!
Dantes Inferno
Battle field Bad Company 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction Collector's Edition
Alan Wake
Red Dead Redemption
Split Second
Iron Man 2
NCAA Football 11
Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 (need to finish one lol)
Madden 11
Dead Rising 2
Halo Reach
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II (Going to play the first soon)
Dead Space 2 (Going to play the first soon)
Dark Void
Army of Two 40th day
Mass Effect 2
Just Cause 2
Crackdown 2
Alpha Protocol
Mafia 2
I'm sure I'll be adding more along the way.I need to play Dead Space and Star Wars The Force Unleashed!
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 8:58 am | #3
What type of game is Mobile Suit Gundam: One Year War going to be? That's my favourite time period of the gundam universe, and I love Gundam games (even though most of them are shitty!) so I will almost definitely get OYW.
Other than that, I intend to get Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy XIII, Fallout New Vegas, and maybe Dead Space 2 and Bioshock 2.
I am going to rent Bayonetta ASAP but probably not buy it unless it just blows me out of the water and punches me in the face and runs me a warm bath and massages my feet. I also plan on renting almost every other game you guys listed so far.
Other than that, I intend to get Dante's Inferno, Final Fantasy XIII, Fallout New Vegas, and maybe Dead Space 2 and Bioshock 2.
I am going to rent Bayonetta ASAP but probably not buy it unless it just blows me out of the water and punches me in the face and runs me a warm bath and massages my feet. I also plan on renting almost every other game you guys listed so far.
Re: Re: Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 9:32 am | #5
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
I think you play the role of a normal civilian in the army and you fight FPS ... however there are Mobile Suits in the game and their basically your vechiles , like with Halo and your tank. It doesnt look as exciting as all the Gundam Fights like in Seed , Wing or 00 but it has that military sense to it
Sweet, this sounds almost perfect. I prefer the grunt-centric, military style of stuff like 08th MS Team and 0080 to the big super robot laser battles in space.
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 9:57 am | #6
Mass Effect 2
Dead Space II
Force Unleashed II
Just to name a few.
Mass Effect 2
Dead Space II
Force Unleashed II
Just to name a few.
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 10:34 am | #7
What Bay listed sounds good to me!

Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 11:34 am | #8
PERFECT DARK XBLA!!!!!!!!!!! Fallout New Vegas!! Bioshock 2 Dantes Inferno Splinter Cell: Conviction!! Dead Rising 2 Dead Space 2 Army of Two 40th day Mass Effect 2 Crackdown 2 Max Payne 3!! Lost Planet 2 Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Crysis 2 Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days Prey 2 Timesplitters 4(I really hope they make it) Rage Doom 4 Theif 4 Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing
MAG(If Iget a PS3, not really sure, I am really happy with my 360)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 The Legend of Zelda Wii 2 Metroid: Other M Red Steel 2 The Grinder Worms: Battle IslandsWii
Fallout MMO PC
MAG(If Iget a PS3, not really sure, I am really happy with my 360)
Super Mario Galaxy 2 The Legend of Zelda Wii 2 Metroid: Other M Red Steel 2 The Grinder Worms: Battle IslandsWii
Fallout MMO PC
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 11:37 am | #9
so far on my pre-order list
Mass Effect 2
Dante's Inferno
But I also plan to get
Skate 3
whatever seems worth buying lol
Mass Effect 2
Dante's Inferno
But I also plan to get
Skate 3
whatever seems worth buying lol
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 1:02 pm | #11
Seeing as how I'm only a casual gamer and will have an online rental plan (need help with that... see this thread: ), I won't probably buy too many games.
Definitely Buying:
Final Fantasy XIII
GRID 2 (if they make it and if it's out)
Maybe Buying:
Mass Effect 2 (and the first one seeing as how I haven't played it yet..)
Definitely Buying:
Final Fantasy XIII
GRID 2 (if they make it and if it's out)
Maybe Buying:
Mass Effect 2 (and the first one seeing as how I haven't played it yet..)
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 1:04 pm | #12
I've already bought Final Fantasy XIII
Mass Effect 2
Bioshock 2
Mass Effect 2
Bioshock 2
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 2:09 pm | #13
Army of Two 40th Day
Battle field Bad Company 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction
NCAA Football 11
Batman: Arkham Asylum 2
Madden 11
Halo Reach
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Those are game I'm buy
Battle field Bad Company 2
Splinter Cell: Conviction
NCAA Football 11
Batman: Arkham Asylum 2
Madden 11
Halo Reach
Star Wars The Force Unleashed II
Those are game I'm buy
Re: Games Of 2010 , What Are You Getting ?
01/03/10 2:14 pm | #14
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Crackdown 2
Crysis 2
Dantes Inferno
Fallout: New Vegas
Final Fantasy XIII
Madden 11
Crackdown 2
Crysis 2
Dantes Inferno
Fallout: New Vegas
Final Fantasy XIII
Madden 11