i support the fact that "
Virtua Fighter is the most technical fighter ever created" all the way. if you've ever played one of the Virtua Fighter games, you'll understand why. the series is also realistic so you won't find magical projectiles or fly across the screen attacks here. all movesets are based off of real life martial art styles. i respect those who mastered the techniques and mechanics in this series.
Blazblue is indeed in the middle. they made it so that you can do so-so if you button mash (assuming you use a beginner friendly character) but to master it, you have to learn all the techniques and frames, which leads me to....
Tekken, a game where mastering the time frames of moves makes the difference between winning and losing. many of the combos/juggles in Tekken require you to remember the very exact precise timing of your button presses to a hundreth of a second to pull everything off smoothly. there ARE characters who you can just button mash with and do fine, but when you go against the higher level AI (who are all basically broken) or skilled human players, mashing won't get you far.
Mortal Kombat i've never liked much due to how the moves aren't fluid commands (quarter circle forward, half circle forward, etc), instead, they are literally down forward punch or down back kick, etc. this turned me away from the game. not to mention that you really can't combo/juggle much at all.
Dead or Alive is all about the women and the crazy physics, 'nuff said xDD
Soul Calibur leans more towards beginner friendly with each new game IMO. the moves have been tweaked so much throughout the series that of the entire roster, i recall only a handful who are any bit technical in Soul Calibur 4.
Guilty Gear is in the same boat as Blazblue, but just a tad bit more technical overall
King of Fighters and the rest of the SNK Fighters is pretty much the same as
Street Fighter, right in the middle, but leans towards the technical side at times as seen in all of the tournament videos. the two series were rivals at one point i think lol. (that's why we have Capcom vs. SNK

well, that was more or less a rehash of what Meta said, but a few new things. so yeah, you get the point