Deal will last till 11/28
XBLA Games
Bejeweled Blitz - 200 points
Bejeweled 2 - 200 points
Crazy Taxi - 400 - GOLD EXCLUSIVE ONLY
Deathspank: The Baconing - 600 points
Happy Tree Friends False Alarm - 400 points
Magic the Gathering Duels 2012 - 400 points
OutRun - 400 points - Will be removed from marketplace in near future (licensing)
Phantasy Star 2 - 200 points
Pinball FX2 Core Pack - 400 points
Pinball FX Classic Core Pack - 400 points
SEGA Rally Online Arcade - 400 - GOLD EXCLUSIVE ONLY
Stacking - 600 points
Streets of Rage 2 - 200 points - GOLD EXCLUSIVE ONLY - Unlockable on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection disc
Super Meat Boy - 400 points
The Fancy Pants Adventure - 400 points
Indie Arcade
Flotilla - 200 points
Weapon of Choice - 200 points
Xbox Original
Sega Soccer Slam - 600 points
360 On Demand
Battlefield 2: - 1200 points
Civilization Revolution - 1800 points
Battlefield Bad Company - 1600 points
Homefront The Rock - 200 points
AC Brotherhood Da Vinci Disappearance - 400 points
Left 4 Dead 2 The Passing - 280 points
Duke Nukem Forever Theme - 160
Bad Company 2 Vietnam Theme - 160
Tron Premium Theme - 160
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Premium Theme - 160
Fallout 3 Premium Theme - 160
Games for Windows Live
Section 8: Prejudice™
Street Fighter
I'm not sure what price for those GFWL.
Mobile Games
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 - $4.99
Full House Poker - $1.99
Assassins Creed - $2.99
I already pick up AC Brotherhood Da Vinci Disappearance, Deathspank: The Baconing and Assassin Creeds mobile.