Here's the line up:
Date Game Original Price SALE PRICE Type
05/31 Prince of Persia Classic 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game OVER
05/31 Transformers 2 Character & Map Pack 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) Add-On OVER
05/31 Watchmen: the End is Nigh 1,600 MS Points ($20) 800 MS Points ($10) XBLA Game OVER
06/07 Worms 2: Armageddon 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game OVER
06/14 Splosion Man 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game NOW
06/14 TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game NOW
06/14 Trials HD 1,200 MS Points ($15) 560 MS Points ($7) XBLA Game NOW
06/21 FIFA 10 Ultimate Team Trial 400 MS Points ($5) 240 MS Points ($3) Add-On
06/21 Madden NFL Arcade 1,200 MS Points ($15) 800 MS Points ($10) XBLA Game
06/21 NBA 2K10 Draft Combine 400 MS Points ($5) 240 MS Points ($3) XBLA Game
06/21 Football Genius 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game
06/21 Sensible World of Soccer 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game
06/21 Soccer Ball Prop 160 MS Points ($2) 80 MS Points ($1) Avatar Item
06/21 MLB Stickball 800 MS Points ($10) 400 MS Points ($5) XBLA Game
Looks like some awesome sales coming our way this summer, I hope these deals continue into July. I'm glad I haven't picked up Trials HD, Madden NFL Arcade, MLB Stickball, and Football Genius yet. At the price I may even scoop Watchmen, but I know it is available on disc with Watchmen 2, so I may just wait for that to hit clearance at the local Target, lol.
Hope you guys like it, sorry for not having a picture or anything.