Archived: Dead Space 3
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Re: Dead Space 3
06/01/12 5:38 pm | #2
Definitely looking forward to the game as 1 & 2 were both great.
Re: Dead Space 3
06/01/12 7:26 pm | #4
do want

Re: Dead Space 3
06/01/12 11:25 pm | #5

Re: Dead Space 3
06/01/12 11:42 pm | #6

Can I borrow this one too when your done with it Chad?

Re: Re: Dead Space 3
06/01/12 11:50 pm | #7
Quote by IRiSH:

Can I borrow this one too when your done with it Chad?

Re: Re: Dead Space 3
06/12/12 8:43 pm | #9
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
Well a demo was shown at EA conference and it looks really good. I'm personally disappointed there is co-op in the single player, I personally like playing along and I'm always paranoid that include something like co-op in the single player will negatively effect it, but I'll just have to wait and see. Either way I'm really looking forward to it. I enjoy the original and loved Dead Space 2. Also EA says it's suppose to release in February 2013.
I agree, I think going alone made the game that much more intense. Dead Space isn't the same atmosphere as say Gears of War. But, I'll be optimistic and keep faith that they'll be able to pull it off. Dead Space 1 & 2 were just damn good.
Re: Dead Space 3
06/14/12 9:48 pm | #10
I'm 50/50 about Dead Space 3. Co-op isn't good for any survival horror game, period. You just can't create the same atmosphere if you aren't alone. Hopefully EA doesn't shaft players that choose not to play co-op. (For example, by having dialog exclusive to co-op, or cut-scenes, missions, etc)
Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to buy it, being the huge fan of the Dead Space franchise that I am. However, when I watched the E3 gameplay video, I saw a 3rd person/action/cover shooter. Not Dead Space.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still going to buy it, being the huge fan of the Dead Space franchise that I am. However, when I watched the E3 gameplay video, I saw a 3rd person/action/cover shooter. Not Dead Space.
Re: Dead Space 3
06/14/12 11:27 pm | #11
One of the underlings at Penny Arcade wrote a really good article about Dead Sace 3's co-op:
tl;dr = The co-op is there IF you want it, and it will constitute a separate "campaign/story." They specificaly stated there won't be some dumb AI following you around & getting in the way, ie RE5 or Army of Two.
If you want to do it single player, you do it single player, no problem, nothing to bitch about.
tl;dr = The co-op is there IF you want it, and it will constitute a separate "campaign/story." They specificaly stated there won't be some dumb AI following you around & getting in the way, ie RE5 or Army of Two.
If you want to do it single player, you do it single player, no problem, nothing to bitch about.
Re: Dead Space 3
06/15/12 9:13 am | #12
That's pretty much what the article in Game Informer was saying this month too. The co-op will be different than a single player play through. However, the single player will still be "Dead Space."
Re: Dead Space 3
08/17/12 4:16 am | #13
Bump, weapon crafting looks awesome.

Re: Dead Space 3
08/17/12 10:01 am | #14
Can't wait for this game, by far my favorite series on this console.
Re: Dead Space 3
08/29/12 12:39 am | #15
I must replay Dead Space and Dead Space 2.. Its been a while.