Archived: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/13/10 1:37 pm | #1
I have my copy paid off, but i still need to beat case zero. I'm excited for the online coop though it looks sick!
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/13/10 4:51 pm | #2
Hell yeah, I'm most looking forward to the co-op in this, ought to be very fun.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/17/10 3:41 pm | #3
i completely forgot about online coop that will be sick
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/17/10 11:25 pm | #4
Yea I got Case 0 a few days ago when I grabbed PvZ but haven't got a chance to play it yet, looking forward to some fun zombie killing coop in 2.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/17/10 11:36 pm | #5
Definitely looking forward to the co-op!
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/18/10 1:39 am | #6
Im just happy i can walk and shoot while aiming. The fact that i couldn't do that in part 1 made me sad. Co-op is gonna be great, love that its drop in drop out style.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/19/10 1:27 pm | #7
Really looking forward to the game, I can never have enough Dead Rising!
Only issue is I have no way to pay for it, but I'll figure something out.
Only issue is I have no way to pay for it, but I'll figure something out.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/19/10 2:02 pm | #8
I just realized that DR2 has TWO different special editions for the USA. There's the Zombrex Edition, which I believe I pre-ordered, and the High Stakes Edition, which I want to pre-order. I don't know if I have enough time to switch to the other one, with how close the release is and all.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 12:28 am | #9
been playing for a while. on day 2 level 16. it's really addicting.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 12:29 am | #10
Im kind of burnt out on it already. Sucks when you die against the psychopaths and have to track all the way back. save spots suck too.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 3:14 am | #11
I am absolutely loving it so far. Its great! The combo weapons make finding new items fun.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 6:10 am | #12
Great game! I'm really enjoying it, for the most part! The things that really bother me is the save system, it could have been better. That's what really turned me off to the first one. I get frustrated when I beat a boss character and then die on the way back to the save point! And the loading times are terrible. Although they aren't bad themselves it's just, cutscene, load time, play a little, load, cutscene, load, play a little and so on. Kinda got me a little bummed! Even though the story is great and the cutscenes are well done. Oh and the fact that there are no voices when you talk to people in person or on the walkie. And the fact that the dialogue boxes go away way to fast some times! But all in all a very solid game!

Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 2:10 pm | #13
Yeah I have to agree...I want to play a video game, if I wanted to read I'd pick up a book, LOL!...Seriously though, that has always irked me with this game too.
But I haven't had a chance to play it yet, I got the Zombrex Edition and Collector's Edition Strategy Guide (why?.....I have no idea, but I got it, LoL)
But I really enjoyed playing Case Zero (even though I had to read shit) and I am interested in seeing where this story goes, I'm interested in seeing how these assholes ending up in another friggin mall!....LoL
But I haven't had a chance to play it yet, I got the Zombrex Edition and Collector's Edition Strategy Guide (why?.....I have no idea, but I got it, LoL)
But I really enjoyed playing Case Zero (even though I had to read shit) and I am interested in seeing where this story goes, I'm interested in seeing how these assholes ending up in another friggin mall!....LoL
Re: Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 2:16 pm | #14
Quote by iKidd:
Yeah I have to agree...I want to play a video game, if I wanted to read I'd pick up a book, LOL!...Seriously though, that has always irked me with this game too.
But I haven't had a chance to play it yet, I got the Zombrex Edition and Collector's Edition Strategy Guide (why?.....I have no idea, but I got it, LoL)
But I really enjoyed playing Case Zero (even though I had to read shit) and I am interested in seeing where this story goes, I'm interested in seeing how these assholes ending up in another friggin mall!....LoL
But I haven't had a chance to play it yet, I got the Zombrex Edition and Collector's Edition Strategy Guide (why?.....I have no idea, but I got it, LoL)
But I really enjoyed playing Case Zero (even though I had to read shit) and I am interested in seeing where this story goes, I'm interested in seeing how these assholes ending up in another friggin mall!....LoL
Think about, a mall is absolute best place to be when a zombie apocalypse happens. It has food, clothes, tents and shit, some have guns and sporting goods, what more could you ask for?!?!
Also, the loading times can't be anywhere near as bad as Forza 3 (takes like 45 seconds to 2 minutes just to load a 5 minute race!).
I also hated the save system in the first game - along with the tiny font that was unreadable unless you had an HDTV. I'll end up getting this game if and when the price drops, if I wanna kill zombies I'll just play Case Zero.
Re: Dead Rising 2 discussions/reactions
09/29/10 2:19 pm | #15
^^the co cop is definitely alot of fun though. I really like joining a persons game and fucking shit up with them. you keep the money/PP you earn, which is sweet.
the load times are rubbish though. IMO AJ you should pick it up for the co op if you have a buddy/few people to play with. it makes it that much more fun.
the load times are rubbish though. IMO AJ you should pick it up for the co op if you have a buddy/few people to play with. it makes it that much more fun.