Crackdown 2 Micro-Review

Crackdown 2 is the sequel to the 2007 360 exclusive Crackdown. The original Crackdown sold fairly well, sales reputedly boosted by the bundling of the Halo 3 Beta, and was a hybrid of Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row. Crackdown 2 is very much the same as its predecessor, retaining the cel-shaded graphics and updating the game mechanics. Of course, it retains most of the flaws its predecessor was ailed with.
The gameplay of Crackdown is fairly run of the mill. Typical third person shooter, with some RPG elements. Your character can level up by completing specific actions (Driving, Firearms, Strength, Agility, and Explosives), and unlock new abilities. Levelling up, however, is easily done if you decide to take a little bit of a break from the main story. The main story is the weakest point of Crackdown 2, with you being able to complete just the story in a couple of hours. After which, there is not much left to do in Pacific City except for Orb Hunting.However, Crackdown is made fun again by playing through it with other players in races, Freak Breaches, and general mayhem.
Auto-aim is another core gameplay mechanic. However, it can be a royal pain in the ass. Many times I found myself locking onto a car instead of the enemy in front of my face. However, when it does work properly, the aiming system integrates smoothly with gameplay.
Free-roaming the city is possibly the biggest part of the gameplay as well. Scaling buildings is fun, and so is gliding down from them in your Wingsuit (Level 5 agility folks). However, some buildings that look like they have ledges that can be grabbed are, in fact, not scaleable at all. This can lead to some annoying situations like, for example, when you go orb hunting. Driving around the city can be a bit clunky too, with some AI purposely throwing themselves in front of your car.
The audio of Crackdown 2 is not up to par of a AAA title that Microsoft would wish it to be, but is not dreadful on the level of a Ubisoft Film game. The Voice of the Agency returns, and sounds rather badass. But more often than not you will find he repeats the same things over and over. Annoying once he tells you not to kill Peacekeepers for the thousandth time. Think on the level the enemies said "Enemy is everywhere" in the first Mass Effect. Good God.
On the plus side, the majority of the weapons sound different and the ambience of the city is captured nicely; of course the ambience depends on the time of day. Ranging from gunfire and cars, to the growls of the Freaks and screams of people. One thing that may drive you crazy, however, is the pinging sound that is present when you are near an orb. Handy, yes. When you are trying to take some people out around a building? No.
Crackdown 2 boasts a relatively easy list. However, completionists will dread the hike through the city in search of all 500 Agility Orbs, 300 Hidden Orbs, and 80 LIVE Orbs. Most achievements can be obtained through single-player and there are only a few that need to be obtained online. As well, Crackdown 2 boasts some Avatar awards. However, none of these are really that cool looking. At all. Like the Freak slippers. However, DLC is on the way and appears to be awarding us with a Green PVP agent suit.
Waffle Rating
Definitely an moderate to hard waffle, depending on the time you sink into it. A bulk of the achievements will come with story progression, and a little exploration. Achievements that will take you forever are the ones to do with the collectibles. Didn't see that coming, did you? Definitely a boost for your gamerscore, but completionists will likely want nothing to do with this game.
Overall rating is a 7.5, due to a very short story that leaves you with little to do afterward, sticky auto-aim (and sometimes sucky), repetitive audio tracks, and some difficult achievements to conquer. If you want a Gamerscore pad, rent or Gamefly this game. If you are hoping that Crackdown 2 would be above the level of GTA IV, you will be sorely disappointed. However, it definitely fills the gap left by the absence of any GTA announcements, or games on the 360 this year.
- Aldemar