Archived: Article Discussion: Crackdown 2 Micro-Review
Posted Under: Articles
Re: Crackdown 2 Micro-Review
09/06/10 2:11 am | #31
Yea we'll get around to co-oping on 2 whenever it drops down to 10 or 20 bucks sometime within the next year

Re: Re: Crackdown 2 Micro-Review
09/06/10 4:51 am | #32
Quote by Circus:
Yea we'll get around to co-oping on 2 whenever it drops down to 10 or 20 bucks sometime within the next year 


Re: Crackdown 2 Micro-Review
09/06/10 9:45 am | #33
anyone whos played crackdown 2 and seen the ending KNOWS theres gonna be a 3....so i dont see why anyone is saying there shouldnt/wont be a 3...the ending made it so obvious theyd have a 3